Page 36 of Merry Kismet

“Well, you and your roommates can’t eat it all because we’re stringing it for a tree I bought.”

I lean forward in my seat. “You bought a tree?” I was getting serious grinch vibes from Rockwell, and I blink to make sure he’s for real.

“Don’t get excited. It’s three feet tall.”

“Oh, I am so excited! And don’t worry about my roommates. They won’t be in until later, but I will protect the popcorn with my life. I will always support a worthy cause.”

He laughs. “I bought it because I knew you would react this way.”

My heart melts into a puddle on the floor. “Are you trying to romance me?” I say it as a joke, but I don’t think the words through.

His smile freezes.

I cough. “I was joking.” Sort of. Blah, I’m so embarrassed.

He nods like he understands and motions to the bag again. “There’s more.”

I fish inside and find string, a pack of needles, and a DVD. I leave everything in the bag but pull the DVD out. “Christmas in Connecticut? How did you know this is one of my favorites?”

“I got lucky since the collection at Warren’s is about a foot long. You can enjoy it after you kick me out. I won’t stay long.”

I hold it in my hand, debating if I’m brave enough to invite him to watch it with me. I’m not sure if he’s interested . . . in me or the movie. Should I leave well enough alone? Rockwell has made it clear a dozen times how he plans on cutting ties with Bearwood and everything in it. We might have had fun last night, but I am pretty sure I’m included in what he plans to leave behind. I was last time, so why would this be different?

I glance at my notebook, the edge of it showing between the cushions where I stashed it when the doorbell rang. I had to write a list to start this whole thing and arm wrestle to check off the second box. What would it hurt for me to put myself out there one more time? I hear Gabby’s voice in my ear saying,No regrets. I want more encouragement from him thanI’m bored, and I need a favor from you.I’m so incredibly scared of being rejected. But didn’t I have more to gain than lose? I clear my throat. “Are you serious about this fun challenge?”

“I guess I am. I don’t slow down often enough, and Travis and my mom keep harping on me to live a little. Not to mention, I’m on vacation, so why not?”

I peel the plastic off the DVD so my hands and eyes are busy. “How about watching this with me while we string popcorn? I guarantee it will be an unforgettable experience.”

His brows lift and his brown eyes sparkle. “Really?”

I nod deeply, knowing full well we watched a dozen movies together back in the day, and I need to say something convincing. “I pause after the funny parts to allow adequate laugh time.”

His lips tighten like he’s holding back his amusement. “How can I say no?”

“You can’t.”

We look at each other for a moment before I remember I should be doing something. I move to put the DVD in the player under my TV, acting calm and collected, when really, I am doing a happy dance inside.

When I turn, I see Rockwell pick up the box of popcorn. “Do you mind if I start these in the microwave?”

“Do your cooking skills include microwave popcorn?”

“Ha ha,” he says, tossing a pillow at me on his way to the kitchen.

I catch it and get the movie going. A few minutes later, we are sitting side by side stringing popcorn.

After I’ve taught him how to thread a needle, I confess, “You know, I’ve never done this before.”

“What? The Christmas enthusiast with her elf-like obsession for the holidays has never strung popcorn?”

I point my needle at him. “Most people buy ornaments and strings of beads these days over making them.”

“That’s sacrilegious.”

“It’s practical.”

We both laugh. After talking for a few minutes about childhood traditions, we finally get into the movie. Rockwell’s commentary is worth every second. It’s clear he still lacks familiarity with the charm of the classics. Some things haven’t changed. It’s a good thing I am a master with the pause button so I can explain to him the beauty of slapstick comedy.