“You know he can’t do that, Hanna, and we don’t want him to. You must remember how far you’ve come.”

Brenda is right. I can’t expect Theo to fix me. And if I’m being honest, I don’t want him to either.

“So, what do I do about the sex? I can work on myself, but I have no idea how to work on us. I’m too overwhelmed with work, being a mom, and just my own internal shit. How do I do this?”

A wild idea is brewing behind her eyes, and I can tell she’s debating whether to say something or not.

“Say it,” I plead more desperately than I care to admit. But I need it. God, do I need it. I’ll do anything to have that part of Theo and me back.

Releasing a deep breath, she looks around the café as though an FBI agent is going to pop out when she says her next words. “So, James and I did this thing last Halloween, but I don’t know if you’re going to like this idea.” She trails off, and I start to feel apprehensive.

Do I want to know?

I gulp, and that deep need to have Theo the way we were before strikes down like a tornado at the center of my worry.

“Anything. I will do anything for him.”

She blows out another breath, then starts again. “It’s a sex party, but it has some elements to it—”

“Like we would have sex with other people? No. No way, Brenda. I don’t want anyone but Theo. That would drive him crazy. He would not only see red but cause a river of it.”

“Exactly,” she agrees, and not sure what she means, I give her a quizzical look. “James wouldn’t let others touch me. Only let them watch.”

I shake my head. Not only do I not want people watching me, but I especially don’t want other people to see my husband. That is my hard limit. I am just as possessive over him, crazy about who has access to him the way I do, and right now, that just might make things worse.

“No, Hanna, let me finish.” She pauses, and I reluctantly let her have the floor, even though I know I would never let this happen. “What is one thing that has always made Theo the most feral over you?”

I think about this, but it doesn’t take long. “His jealousy.”

She quirks her brow, and it mimics her smirk. “Exactly. It would only take five seconds in that place to make him switch. He still wants you, Hanna. He’s just lost his way too. Becoming a dad to one was hard, but to three? He probably doesn’t know how to tell you he’s wanting the same thing. So…” She sits back, and her eyes go darker with a glint of mischief. “Make him remember who he is and what he can do.”

My stomach clenches with excitement mixed with a thousand little butterflies of intense nervousness. I think this over for what feels like hours, but in reality, it’s a mere minute or two.

How bad do you want his heavy-handed, uncensored, and wild touch back, Hanna? I question myself, and with that, I nod.

“Yes, tell me about it.”

And for the next hour, we come up with a plan, and I learn all about this Halloween-themed sex party.

With my shoulders squared and my chin held high, I go home with less than twenty-four hours to plan our wildest Halloween yet.

Chapter 2


Hanna leaves the driveway, and I watch her until she’s no longer in sight, but that isn’t enough. Pulling out my phone, I open my tracker app, and I watch her as she makes her way into town to meet with my sister. There’s a storm rolling in, and it's only twenty-four hours until Halloween, and I have yet to fix the roof from the last storm.

I make myself a coffee and check the camera in the twins’ room. Hanna put them down for a nap before she left, and our daughter is in the living room coloring. I look over at her and smile. She looks so much like her mother, and she’s smart like Hanna too.

I love the family my wife and I have created. But I have to admit I miss my wife. I fucking crave her at all times of the day, and knowing we can’t have that anymore is maddening. Our lives have changed drastically over the years. Between me starting my own security firm while occasionally still taking jobs out of state and being parents, our time together has been limited.

Becoming a father and settling down wasn’t something I wanted for my future, until I fell in love with Hanna. In fact, I would have more children with her if she would let us, but she thinks three is the right amount, and what she says goes.