“I could say the same to you.” Her eyes search mine, and I mimic the action.

“Then we work at this?”

She blinks slowly and nods even slower. “Yes. Starting tomorrow.”

I groan and drop my nose to her neck. I take in a long drag of her scent and, through gritted teeth, I don’t hold back. “You keep depriving me of who I know you really are, Hanna.”

“And what is that?” She tempts the devil.

“You are a bad fucking girl, and you need me to remind you of that,” I hiss, tightening my hand around her neck.

“I am. And tomorrow, you’ll see just how bad I can be.”

What the hell does my wife have planned?

“Hanna,” I warn. She knows damn well I don’t take surprises well.

“It’s time you remember who you fell in love with, Theo.” Her words come out as more of a threat than anything, and my chest tightens.

“You’re going to regret that. Your poor ass will feel that for days,” I growl.

“I hope it fucking burns.” With that, she breaks from my grasp and moves to the twins. I watch her effortlessly pick them both up and walk away, taking not only my pride but my fucking cock and balls.

She owns me, and I feel like she has every intention of destroying me tomorrow.

And I can’t fucking wait.

Chapter 3


My stomach’s been in knots all day. I tried to act brave and give Theo a run for his money. I teased him about tonight, but now that we’re in the car and dressed up to go to this party, I feel like I may have underestimated what could happen.

Okay, not may have. I completely went over my own head with this. However, it’s too late now. And if I’m being honest, I know we need this. No matter the fear I have boiling inside me. I know we need this.

The day started with small flutters of anxiousness, then transpired into full-on rampant butterflies by the time we took the kids trick-or-treating. We barely talked as Lily and Theo went to each house in the nearest neighborhood. I pushed the twins a few steps behind them and let my brain have a field day. I went over the pros, the cons, and then the pros again.

Con: He may cause a scene and drag me out of there.

Pros: He may get so jealous and angry with me that it saves our sex life. And possibly our mundane marriage.

The pros outweigh the cons, because the pros would challenge the Theo I met and the man who swallowed my desires until they became a part of him. I would rather take him irrationally angry and feral, over us never being who we were again.

His eyes were wild each time he looked at me today. He knows I’m up to something, but he has no idea what I’m about to walk us into. But my God, does he look good. He’s dressed in all black, from his boots up to his tight-fitting tee. His face is painted as skull, and I swear it unlocks a new fetish in me.

“We are nearing the middle of nowhere, Hanna. Where are we going?” he asks, turning down the music once we hit a gravel road just off the highway.

My stomach is a riot of knots. The GPS tells me we’re only minutes away, and I feel like I’m going to vomit. “You need to trust the surprise.”

I went with a short little dress as I masquerade as a slutty witch. My hair is down with blown-out curls, and my makeup is dark and smokey, with dark-red lips the shade of wine.

“I have half a mind to stop us here and not let you get out of the car. You look deadly in that outfit, puppet.”

I have fishnets on and tall platform shoes coated in a shiny film, yet I’m still shorter than my Theo. “I feel a little out of my comfort zone with this. I haven’t worn anything as revealing and tight since before we had the kids,” I admit, pulling the fabric of my dress down my thigh. It barely budges, as there’s no extra material to give.

“Exactly, and I take it there will be other people here who will get to see those delicacies?”

I giggle. “I’m hardly an eye-catcher, Theo.”

He growls and reaches over, gripping the inside of my thigh and warning me. “You are the fucking centerpiece of any goddamn room, Hanna.”

I gulp, knowing damn well the anger my comment aroused is going to be nothing compared to when he realizes what kind of party I’m taking him to.

“I only want to be your centerpiece. Remember that, okay?” I finally speak, and anyone could sense the hesitance in my voice.

And I know he hears it too, because when he looks at me, I can feel him questioning, What have you done?