How dare I ever lose sight of that?

“This is all yours, puppet. It’s real.” He reads my mind. It is. Every inch of his body, soul, and love is mine, making this Halloween game more intense. The second I clear that door and go hide, lust and greed will take over. Just one more moment of taking him in is all I need. I reach down, crossing my arms over my body and bending slightly to pull at the bottom of my short, black silk dress. Our eyes don’t break contact as I slowly lift it, revealing my pussy, my full and soft stomach, and then up and over my breasts. They lose him for a mere second as I swiftly pull it over my face and off the rest of the way. We lock in again, and his cock twitches as he swallows thickly.

An instinctual growl leaves him as his eyes peruse my body. I reach behind me and unclasp my bra, and the material skates down the hypersensitive skin of my arms, falling to the floor. My stomach has loose skin from the twins on top of the fat I’ve carried most of my life. My thighs are covered in white markings and dips from my stretch marks and cellulite. My arms have fat, my back, and many other places, and for so long, I couldn’t believe a man like Theo could desire me. He has not one ounce of fat on him. He is built perfectly. Tight abs, muscular arms, thighs, and calves, and yet he gives my body every bit of the praise one would give a goddess they worship.

It took me years to love my skin. To accept my body. And I backslid slightly after my twins. But if there was any bit of doubt left in me, that one look of his has silenced those insecurities and put them back to rest.

“So fucking beautiful. Every damn inch.”

I blush. I will never get tired of his words. Biting my bottom lip, I smile and tuck my hair behind my ear, and the spark lights.

The wait is over.

Time to get down to the dark and dangerous.

Chapter 4


Carving the reminder of me into her skin, but much larger this time, brought out that unhinged, feral side of me. And Hanna is lucky I chose to punish her with lust instead of all the men she touched, with blood.

What was my temptress wife thinking when she brought me here? Did she want other men to touch her the way I do? No one could ever give her what I can. But is she… curious? It isn’t in my blood to be insecure. The feeling is foreign to me. Jealous? I know that feeling all too well. But insecure—that’s a new one for me.

My wife is a dream. Her body is filled and designed with sin. Her lust is insatiable. Her mind is wise and cunning. And, fuck me, she is the greatest damn mother anyone could have.

Should I be worried about adding curiosity to that list? Clearly, I have failed to please her in the ways she needs. Hanna brought me here to reawaken what we had. Or so she said. Now it’s up to me to test if that’s really all she wanted. Because if it’s other men to fill a sexual wondering that I have yet to discover, then I just may snap and never come back from it.

Hanna stands before me naked, and I see her mind working overtime. Plotting and planning her next move. But my little puppet has no chance. I am steps ahead of her and have everything planned out that I want to tantalize her with. But where would the fun be in that? I will let her have a head start, maybe let her think she has the upper hand. However, when I catch her, her body and lust will be at my goddamn mercy.

I will make her pay for what she did to me, and when I’m done, I will make sure any curiosity about other men will be drained from her head. Hanna will only ever exist and breathe for me.

After one last lookover of my greatest, most prized possession, I snap back into character. “Run, puppet. Thirty seconds. Best of luck.” I lift one brow and smirk arrogantly at her. She swallows, and her rosy nipples peak.

“Good luck to you, Theo. May the best one of us win.”

“Run,” I snarl, tired of her thinking she’s in control. Her first few steps are slightly off balance, but when she leaves, the air carries the scent of her arousal and the blood on her ass.

Fuck me. I close my eyes, draw the scent in deep, and drop my head back. My own branded scent. My marked-up, soaked, and greedy slut. Mine.