Page 57 of Missing

“I thought so. Looking at her picture then looking at you…it’s pretty obvious.”

“So—” Mason changed the subject “—you want to meet me at the office so I can look at the pictures one more time?”

“They’re not there. I brought the files home with me. Why don’t you come over here and we’ll take a look.”

Mason grabbed his car keys. “I’ll be right there.”


Lacey pulled up to the Ackerman’s house in one of the nicer areas of town. But she couldn’t shake the feeling she was being watched.

She shivered in the summer heat and looked around before opening the car door. Had someone followed her to the house?

If so, that meant somebody had been watching. Waiting for her to leave her house.

A little nauseous at the thought, she hurried up the front walk and rapped on the door.

Janice answered right away, looking chic and attractive in her matching pants and top and various accessories. Lacey felt like a frump in her jeans and T-shirt. Some things never changed.

“Good morning, Lacey.” The woman took Lacey’s hand and pulled her inside. “Thank you for coming over. Have you heard anything from Bethany?” Concern lined Janice’s face and Lacey appreciated that.

Forcing a tight smile, she shook her head. “Nothing yet.”

Daniel appeared in the doorway. “But we’re working on it. Mason’s on his way over to look at the accident pictures again.” He looked at Janice. “We’ll be downstairs in my office.”

Janice rolled her eyes then looked at Bethany. “All he does is work.” Then she bit her lip. “But I guess for you and Bethany that’s a good thing.”

Lacey nodded. “Definitely.” Then her heart picked up a little speed. Mason was on his way over. She rubbed her hands together and ordered the butterflies in her stomach to settle down.

“Well, come on in the kitchen,” Janice said, “and we’ll have a little chat along with some coffee.”

Not really in the mood for either, Lacey nevertheless followed her high school friend into the kitchen and sat at the oval table. The kitchen boasted granite countertops, state-of-the-art appliances and hardwood floors. “Your home is beautiful.”

A wry smile twisted Janice’s lips. “Well, don’t think all this came from Daniel’s salary or what little profit I make at the store.” She sighed. “No, my father asked me what I wanted for Christmas last year and I told him—a new kitchen.” She waved a hand and shook her head. “And so that’s what I got.”

Lacey blinked. “You know, Janice, growing up, I don’t remember your dad being quite so generous with his money. What changed?”

Janice shot her a look beneath perfectly mascaraed lashes. “A lot has happened since high school. I had a bad time of it for a while and my father came to the rescue.”

Janice poured them both a cup of coffee and sat opposite Lacey. Lacey added cream and sugar and stirred the steaming liquid.

Wrapping her hands around the mug, Janice said, “So, enough about me. I hear they caught the man who tried to kidnap Bethany.”

After taking another sip, Lacey nodded. “Yes, but he said he was just following orders, that the person who hired him threatened his family if he didn’t kidnap Bethany. He also said he doesn’t have a clue who the person was, so he’s been no help at all.”

The woman raised a brow. “Well, why not? He got her this last time he went after her, didn’t he?”

Lacey shook her head. “Apparently not. He said Lacey got away from him.”

“Then why hasn’t she called you?” Disbelief wrinkled her forehead into a frown.

“Because I think she’s too afraid.”

“Of what?”

Lacey sighed. She didn’t really want to talk about it, but maybe rehashing it would help sort some things out in her mind.

A knock on the door interrupted her and there went the butterflies again. Mason was here.