“I didn’t even think about that, but thank you. You’ve thought of everything.” After a hug and another thank-you, Raina and Vince climbed out of the plane and headed for the rental car counter. “She put the reservation in your name but used her card. I’m going to owe her big-time by the time this is all over. Assuming I’m still alive.”
“You’ll be alive.”
If the sheer resolve in his voice was anything to go by, she would be. That gave her comfort. “Well, if Kevin doesn’t get to me, the lack of oxygen here might. What’s the altitude? Holy smokes, I should have brought an air tank.”
He laughed. “Drink water and take the pills. You’ll get used to it.”
“It’s not bothering you?”
“It is, but like I said, you get used to it.” He nodded to the pills in her hand. “And I plan to take those.” She gave him one and he downed it.
“Ugh.” She did the same, hoping they worked fast.
Once they were loaded into the rental with the go bag, and other items supplied by Penny, Raina’s heart thudded in anticipation of coming face-to-face with the man she’d never reallybeen able to release and leave in her past. A man she’d dreamed of seeing behind bars.
And now she was very close to helping make that happen.Please let it happen.
Vince rounded the car toward the driver’s side and Raina laughed. “Um. No. You get to ride this time.”
“Your calf has to be hurting. Not to mention your shoulder. I’ll drive.”
She thought he might protest, then he shrugged and limped around to the passenger side, climbed in, and buckled up.
Raina tapped the resort address into the vehicle’s GPS and followed the directions to Pena Boulevard. Then headed for I-70. “It’s about a two-hour drive,” she said. “Lean back and relax.”
“I’m thinking.”
“Where we’re going to stay. Did you get us a hotel or anything?”
She glanced at him. “Um. No. I didn’t.”
“So, we’re going to sleep in the car?”
“Of course not. Why don’t you find us a place? And...”
Raina sighed. “Use Penny’s card. I’ll pay her back.”
Vince did as she asked, scrolling on his phone. “Got it,” he said ten minutes later. “This is perfect. It’s a two-bedroom condo. We’ll have privacy and still be able to have each other’s back. Not to mention, a good view of the slope and the event.”
“Sounds perfect. But what you mean is that you’ll be able to keep an eye onme, right?”
He snagged her hand and she looked at him for a fraction of a second before turning her eyes back to the road. “I meant exactly what I said, Raina. I don’t discount your ability to have my back should I need it.”
She swallowed. “Thanks. Sorry.”
“No need to apologize.”
While Vince dialed and made the reservation, Raina’s thoughts flipped to Michael and his family. Thank goodness they’d declined to bring him. Nerves skittered in her stomach. What had his parents told him about her? His birth mother? They hadn’t told him anything about his birth father because they hadn’t known much about him. Or her, really. She’d left a short letter expressing her love for the baby and her desire for him to have the best life possible. Had they shown him the note?
Did it matter?