Page 81 of Countdown

“Thanks.” Vince took a step toward Raina and grimaced. Just a few more things to take care of and he’d get his leg looked at.



Raina had given her statement while Vince busied himself with whatever he needed at the truck. It looked like the officer had found his phone, which was great. She hoped it still worked, but right now, she just wanted to get to Penny’s hangar. Wanted that more than she wanted a hot shower and dry clothes. And she wanted those two things pretty bad.

Vince walked toward her and she noticed his limp. He favored his right leg with each step, the lines around his tight mouth and furrowed brow letting her know something was wrong.

She hurried to him and pointed to the ambulance. “Come with me.”


“You need to get your leg looked at it and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

He shot her an amused smile tinged with pain. “I’m not going to argue. It’s starting to really bug me.”

That he would allow himself to say so worried her. Once he was in the back of the ambulance, Raina stayed outside, restraining herself from taking over. In spite of Vince’s assertion that she knew everyone, she didn’t know these two paramedicsand was reluctant to release him into their hands. She wanted to be the one to examine him, make sure that no one missed anything.

Vince lay on his stomach, and the paramedic nearest her, who’d introduced himself as David, cut away his pants leg from the knee down.

Raina caught a glimpse of a small object protruding from his calf and gasped. “What in the world?” How had he managed to do all he’d done with that kind of wound? “Vince!”

He glanced back over his shoulder. “Is it that bad?”

“Um ... yeah,” David said. “Looks pretty bad. You’re definitely going to need stitches.”

Vince flinched. “No stitches. Just stick some butterfly bandages on it and we’ll call it good. I need to get on the road.”


Raina stepped up. “You need to stay here, Vince.” Her heart was still in her throat. Twice he’d been hurt because of her. Because he wanted tohelpher. His reassurances came back to her.“God’s in control.”

But still...

“I’m not staying here,” he said. “Stop thinking whatever it is you’re thinking. We’ve already been down this conversational road. This is not your fault.”

“I know that. Mentally.”

He started to sit up, his wince stabbing her more effectively than a knife. “Vince, please...”

“I’m going with you. I won’t leave you on your own.”

David’s gaze bounced back and forth between them before looking at his partner, Lisa, who shrugged.

Raina sighed. “Long story short, someone’s trying to kill me. Vince is trying to make sure that doesn’t happen, and I want him to stay put so he’ll be out of danger.”

Their jaws dropped in sync. “Well ... huh.”

“Exactly. And if he gets killed, I have to live with the guilt.”

“Told you I’m a big boy,” Vince grunted. “I can handle it.”

“But I don’t know if I can,” she whispered.

“Well, we don’t have time to argue,” David said. “Are you riding to the hospital or not?”

Vince stuck out his chin. “Not.”