Page 56 of The Tide is High

“I wasn’t deflecting, I just don’t want to touch … anything, and Grandpa is staying as long as Nana is; only she can drive him off.”

“Well, he’s staying with you,” True said, trying to put her foot down when she was on a massive losing streak where Faith was concerned.

“Nope, he’s staying at the guesthouse,” Faith said, a slight smirk taking her lips.

“WithNana?” True shrieked, raising her eyebrows and skewering her sister with a look of pure disbelief.

“With Nanaandthe ghost family.”

“Youareinsane,” True hissed with frustration.

“If you’re that worried, get him to stay with you,” Faith said, chuckling to herself.

“I have a mate…”

“Worried he won’t want you after meeting all of our crazy family?” Faith asked, amused.

“Like that would happen,” True said, sneering.

“There you go then, settled…”

“Wait! Hell no!” True said. “I’m not inviting Grandpa to stay with us.”

“Then it’s settled; Grandpa and Nana are shacking up together at the guesthouse.”

“Ugh! P-lease don’t put it like that,” True said, turning her nose up at the thought.

“Where is your sense of adventure?” Faith asked, sidestepping her sister and yanking open the door before Truecame up with another stupid idea about her sharing her home with Grandpa. She loved the man but in small doses.

“Where those two are concerned, two thousand and eleven and the birthday from hell.”

Faith grimaced at the thought. “Well, they have no gifts to fight over here,” she tossed back over her shoulder.

“You think that’s going to stop them trying to outdo each other? We have a series of little mysteries unravelling here, two ghosts, and a cluster of witches; someone has to come out on top.” True said, following her sister back into the bar that was as full as they’d ever seen. They might have been breaking some overcrowding rules, but True was sure nobody would be coming out today to check.

“Work time,” Faith said. “Stop worrying; life goes on.”

“Until bodies start dropping,” True muttered as she elbowed her way around her sister and headed to the bar.

“Achievement unlocked,” Faith said. “How bad could it get?”

Those words stopped True in her stride. She made a slow turn back to glare at her sister in disbelief. “I’m going to remember you said that, and on your head be it.”


Parker stood outside the bar, looking up the slope at the guesthouse. He knew he should return to work, but now there were two ghosts, and he didn’t much like those odds.

It had been a crazy day from start to finish; finding a mate was the biggest surprise, getting a ready-made family was a shock, and possibly saving a life was an added extra. Although truth be told, he hadn’t really saved Jennifer’s life; the witches had the whole ship falling over drama in hand. He’d panicked, his wolf had taken its lead from their mate’s feelings, and he hadn’t given a second thought about not getting Jennifer out of harm’s way.

“Parker,” Heath said, appearing from the side of the bar and stalking towards him. “Heard you had a busy day.”

“That’s one way to put it,” Parker grumbled, but Heath caught every word.

“You woo Evie yet?” Heath asked, grinning and egging him on.

“I think we can safely say no to that,” Parker said.

“Well, time to knock off work and go get your girl,” Heath said.