Page 39 of Zoe

“Okay, that howl said that’s two, and the hell am I going to be three,” Heather said.

“If that was what she meant,” Duncan said, walking the sleepy witch in and dropping her onto the sofa.

“Oh, I think that’s what she meant,” Heather said as she started pacing back and forth, trying to figure out what to do about it.

“Okay, look,” Duncan said. “The roads on the other side of the village are impassible, Christmas is upon us, and you don’t have any way out of here.”

Heather stopped and snapped a glare at him. “I can backpack, and you can take me,” she said.

“Me?” He chuckled.


“My god, you’re serious,” Duncan said.

“You think I want to sit around here and wait for a mate?” She screwed up her face and shivered at the thought. “I’d rather die in the snow.”

“Got it.”

“What?” Heather said.

“That you don’t want to be mated,” he replied.

“Hell no!” Heather said. “Is there a fate worse than being mated to a big shifter wolf alpha-type personality when I’m – me?”

Duncan chuckled. “I guess not.”

“And you’d be right, I mean, I’d go to bust some guy's head, and he’d step in and do it for me – where’s the fun in that?” Heather said, holding her arms out to the sides.

“Then we go tomorrow,” Duncan said, giving her the thumbs up.

“Oh, no, we go tonight,” Heather said. “I’ll leave a note.”

“I’m sure that will be of comfort and joy to your friends,” he mocked her with his tone and a grin.

“Well, it serves them right,” Heather said. “What a holiday this has been. I’m getting while the going is good.”

“Good for you,” Duncan said, watching her storm off out of the room. He looked at Maria. “What did you do, I wonder?”



“She left?” Kristen said, making Maria groan and hold her head so it wouldn’t explode.

“There’s a note,” Maria said.

Kristen snatched up the note and read it. “So long, suckers?” she said, screwing up her face. “I’m not falling for the mating trap.”

“She went with the vampire,” Maria said, screwing up her face. “But that’s bad in so many ways.”

“Yeah,” Kristen said. “She won’t be here for Christmas, and I got her a kickass gift this year.” She huffed down on the stool.

“You and me both,” Maria said, placing her forehead on the cool countertop.

“Well, she might turn back up again,” Kristen said, scowling. “She might kill the vampire and come home, or he might just walk her around in a really big circle and yell surprise. He seems the type.”

“Certainly does,” Maria said.