Page 36 of Zoe

“Yep, First Kristen, then Zoe, and you’re next,” Maria said, spluttering chuckles.

Heather stopped in her tracks and let go of the witch. Maria would have hit the floor if Duncan hadn’t been holding her up. “Huh?” Heather said, turning in front of Maria.

“Let’s go for Zoe’s chocolate cake,” Maria said.

Heather scowled. “Nope, go back and tell me about Kristen, Zoe and me,” Heather demanded.

Maria snorted a chuckle. “My bestest friends in the whole widely wide world,” she said, slurring her words.

“I don’t think you’re going to get much sense out of her tonight,” Duncan said, shrugging.

“Hold my beer; I’m sure I saw pliers back at the cabin,” Heather said.

Duncan grunted. “That sounds like fun, but you might as well wait for her to sober up.”

“Fine, I can water torture her with coffee,” Heather said, turning on her heels and beckoning him to follow with a crocked finger over her shoulder. “Let’s go,” she said over her shoulder.

Duncan winced. “I have a feeling I wouldn’t want to be you,” he whispered to Maria.

“Me either,” she said, shaking her head.



“You kissed me,” Zoe said, pulling back but not too far because she didn’t know if her knees would buckle.

“You kissed me back,” Billy said. “But I think I made my point.”

“I don’t remember your point,” Zoe admitted. Her brain was mush, her lips were still tingling, and somehow – she missed his kisses.

It seemed strange that she could be fighting with him one minute and kissing him the next, but she had to admit, it was fun.

No, she didn’t hate him; she quite liked him, although she might end up killing him one day if she did mate him. She paused for thought on that one;I am going to be his mate, aren’t I?She thought, and it didn’t seem like such a bad thing.

Witches and shifter wolves were something that every elder would tell you to beware of, yet witches and shifter wolf mates were as common as sarcastic vampires – and they had one of those as well.

“I can’t remember my point either, but I think I proved it,” Billy said.

“You can’t claim to have proved a point that you don’t know about,” Zoe said.

“Do you always argue every point?”


“Even if you’re wrong>?”

Zoe offered him the kind of slow-to-boil smile that kept him bewitched. “I’m female; I’m never wrong.”

“Congratulations,” he replied.

“Thank you,” Zoe said with a little shrug.

Billy frowned. “I really want to kiss you again.”

Zoe pushed up on tip-toes and helped him out, bringing her lips to his. If it was forward, she didn’t care. He was her mate, and she could do whatever the hell she liked because fate gave her a free pass to be very wicked indeed.
