Page 8 of Forbidden Wish

“I will,” she said, widening her eyes, aiming for innocence. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll wait right here.”

That was just a lie. If she could get—

“You lied that easy to Ford today too.” Was his voice always so unimpressed and growly like that? “You get a good look around, spy? ‘Cause this is not a place a woman like you should hang out.”

“I am not a spy,” she said, pushing his hand from her face. “And I’ve got all the same parts these women have. Probably done all they’re doing too. Are you shy, Jagg?”

His jaw moved as it tightened. Good. He should be pissed off. She was too. Not because he’d come to get her in. No, he got points for that. Beaucoup points. But for treating her like glass, like her brother, yeah, that cut him down a few.

“Good thing you’re not,” he said, his face coming closer to hers. “‘Cause there are rules here.”

“What does that mean?”

One of his brows rose. “Didn’t think of that, did you?”

That performing may be required? No, she hadn’t. Though she did know why her brother had laughed when she proposed they visit Hustle together.

“No one will notice what I’m doing,” she said. “Take a look around, everyone else is occupied.”


When he tossed a subtle nod toward the room, she took her own advice and looked around… at the nearby faces. Oh, boy. Shit. They were being watched. Her? Him? Both of them? Together? What did people expect? A show or a shot?


SHE BREATHED IN and pasted on a smile. Thank God she was good at faking it. “Okay…”

His voice warmed her ear again. “People notice a knockout. Men can sniff that shit out from a thousand yards.” What did she care if they were watching? Let them stare. She wanted to do a little of that too. At those doors over there. “You’re new. Newbies get special attention. VIP treatment. A full service.”

Oh, ding, ding. Was that how to get through those doors? Wait. That was information, yes, but no grand prize. She had to fuck her way through those doors? If the guys out front were any indication of the kind of men in the chain of command…

Suddenly, her legs were scooped up. Jagg! Did he have to keep interrupting her thoughts? Surprising her. He draped her across his lap. Good. Yeah. If people thought this guy kept her occupied, maybe she could do a little surveillance without being bothered.

Like before, his finger hooked around her jaw, forcing it to move. All she wanted to do—why was his face so close, looming there above her?

“One rule, Genny,” he said, skimming his finger to her chin. “We never breathe a word of this to your brother.”

What was he—his mouth closing over hers erased all thoughts. Was he kissing her? Why was he…? Oh, God, it was incredible. Hot, steady, getting hotter by the second. Releasing her purse on the seat, she parted her lips and coiled her arms around him.

Did her tongue seek his first… or was it the other way around? Who the hell cared? His broad shoulders offered the perfect anchor for her elbows to dig in and leverage higher. His hard thighs were a better seat than the mattress… and they’d offer a better vantage point.

Vantage point?

Right. Shit.

She wasn’t there to make out with sexy white knights. The club. The murders. The contact.

Pulling her mouth from his, she didn’t even look him in the eye while twisting around on his lap, positioning herself back to chest, like he was a part of the furniture. Yep, the doors were so much clearer from there. Still no movement. Stroking her palms down Jagg’s arms, she guided them until she clasped the back of his hands, closing them around her breasts.

If those in proximity wanted a show, she needed cover, and God, he was good at it. Tossing her head to the side, she pulled the pin from her hair, letting it cascade free. And with a little direction, like her winding her arm around Jagg’s head, she urged his mouth against her neck.

Over by the stage, a guy walked up to speak to one of the guards. Pushing higher, she scrunched her hand in Jagg’s hair, moving in time with the caress of his tender lips on her carotid. Man, the guy was good. First, he showed up to save her and then gave her more intimate attention than she’d had since Lach.

What were those guys over there talking about? Did the guy want in? Maybe. Who was behind those doors? Manzani, that was pretty much guaranteed, but who else? Bryan? Could be someone back there wanted to talk, wanted to reveal enough to tantalize her with the next clue.

A tremor of pleasure moved her hips, flipping her stomach too. Shit, her hormones didn’t know this was just an act. Pretend. They were playing a game so she could get a better angle for… Was that his cock?

Pushing back harder, she hooked her spike heels on the edge of the bed, rising to get right up close, right up to that… Oh, shit, it was, he was hard. Incredibly hard and incredibly huge. Mmm… A groan of… something, shook all of her as it left her lips.