Page 65 of Forbidden Wish

“I’m not the one on that path. You want to look at the pretty Stratford for that.”

And a second later, their scrutiny was on her. “Who do you know in Manzani circles?”

First Bryan and Hustle, now this Ludlow Cab Driver Man was connected to the family too. Somehow, she had to get closer.

“I won’t let you do it. I won’t let you—”

“What are you going to do? Keep me prisoner? You want to ground me, Dad? You didn’t even pull that when I was a teenager. I need an in, someone who can help me figure out who Bryan is and how he’s linked to the murders.”


“If it’s nothing, I see it out and move on to wherever it leads me. Until I know, I can’t give up on it.”

“Much as I tried to scare her off it, she’s adamant. And I can’t deny there’s a chance…” A chance what? Her brother didn’t look her way. “If she’s right, people are dying.”

“Women are dying.”

“And we don’t want her to be one of them,” Strat said. “Stay away from the Manzanis. Both of you.”

“We’re looking out for her,” Ford said. “She’s staying at the garage. If I’m not with her, Jagg is. Cutting her loose only leaves her exposed. The more you help, the faster this is over.”

“Help?” she asked. “No, I don’t need either of—”

“One person knows the Manzanis better than anyone.” Her father’s attention drifted to her, and she closed her eyes. “Only one close to the circle who I’d trust.”

“You’re going to say her, aren’t you?”

“Her?” Ford piped up. “Her who?”

“Dad’s girlfriend.”

“She’s not my girlfriend.”

“Okay, sorry, your screw buddy.”

“Who are we talking about?” Ford really wanted in on the secret. “I didn’t know you were seeing anyone.”

“She’s not my girlfriend.” That was for her. The next sentence went to Ford. “I am not seeing anyone. It was a—”

“One night thing?”


“She’s younger than me, Dad.”

“You said that already.”

“Shit, Strat, you parking in the stroller aisle?”

Strat threw up his hands. “It was so much easier when I could just turn both of you over my knee.” Not that he ever had. “Respect your damn elders.”

“I respect elders who respect me. Does your girlfriend respect you?”

“Who the hell are we talking about?” Ford exclaimed.

“Sersha McLeod,” she said. “Lachlan’s sister.”

“Shit, Dad, that’s way above your weight.” A laugh hit Ford as he pounced to his feet. “How did that happen?”