Page 52 of Forbidden Wish

“Damnit, I can’t see the plate.”

“Look on a bigger screen and—”

“The angle isn’t right.”

Disappointing? Yes. But there was invigoration too. Progress. It was something and a clue she could share with Mila when the woman woke up.

“It’s a start.”

“Yeah, we know how he got them.”

The women wouldn’t have thought twice about getting into the cab. Something they’d probably done a million times before.

“No assumptions, we don’t know for sure,” Jagg said. “Not from one victim.”

True. All the picture showed was a woman getting into a cab. Not exactly a smoking gun.

“You okay to take me to the bank? They might not give us the footage, but there could be other cameras on the block. And Langspring, her boss, should give us whatever video they have of Yvonne leaving. If he doesn’t, I know you can take him.”

“I shouldn’t have hit the gym this morning, huh?”

“I’ll always give you a workout any time you want one. And I’d love to join you at your gym.”

“You a member?”

“No, but I don’t need to use the machines. I’ll spot you.”

“Bet you will.”

Another indulgent smile. “Langspring said Yvonne got in a cab. I don’t know if that’s what he heard or if someone told him. Do you think someone forced her into a vehicle?”

“If anyone was grabbed and dragged from the street, someone would’ve seen something.”

Doesn’t mean they’d report it though. Society was cynical these days.

“Do you think they’re tracked, or is it random? The women. The victims.”

“Your Bryan guy could answer that. Two of the four dated a Bryan. Could be a helluva coincidence.”

“Or not.” She pondered. “I wonder how they met. Maybe I could—”

“No, I draw the fucking line at a honey trap, honey. You’re mine and the Manzanis know it.”

“He doesn’t seem like your type.”

“‘Scuse me?”

“Vex Manzani. You and Ford hung in his crew for years.”

“We weren’t his crew. We were part of the entourage, side shows to entertain him. I wouldn’t trust a Manzani to have my back, now or then.”

“You must’ve trusted someone.”

“Ford,” he said. “Strat.”

“My dad.”

“I trusted him more than Ford did. Strat’s always been on the fringes, in and out of every group. A part of every crew and none of them. He’s one of the few people—”