Page 45 of Forbidden Wish

“Thought bad boys were supposed to keep their women naked, ready for use.”

“Don’t need you naked to put you to good use.” He guided her into the breakroom again. “Bathroom’s the door next to mine.”

“Been a while since Ford and I shared a bathroom. Hope you’ve trained him better than Strat did.”

They went into the perpendicular room. “This is your room.”

“Close to yours,” she said as he switched on the light. “I approve.”

Regular double bed, closet at the far end of the room.

“Anything you need, knock any time.”

“I have to knock? What if I want to see you naked?”

Snagging her wrist, he spun her to the edge of the bed and pulled her to him, clamping their joined hands at the curve of her back.

“Start without me. I’ll catch up.”

“You don’t have to knock before you come in here.”

“I’ll be watching that the other guys do. I’m getting a lock for this door.”

When he tried to withdraw, she grabbed him back. “No.”


Draping her arms around him, going backwards, she lifted one leg then the other to rise on her knees on the bed.

“You’re going back to the bed with all the memories, don’t leave me here without any.”

In a slow advance, he gave her a kiss to savor. Long, slow, racing until she was in his arms, her legs coiling around his hips and—

“Fuck,” he spat and kissed her again.

“What?” she whispered, brushing her lips across his. “You don’t want this?”

“I want it too much, Genny.”


Her brother’s call from the breakroom parted them. She climbed off the opposite side of the bed to slide open the closet door. Lucky that she found sheets there and a pillow on the shelf overhead.

“What are you doing in here?” Ford asked from the direction of the door.

“I can’t reach the pillows.”

Good cover. Jagg rounded the bed and touched her waist as he reached over her to retrieve the pillows. In that contact, she got his approval.

“Woman’s friend is laid up in hospital and you didn’t even make the bed for her.”

“I can do it,” she said, shaking open a sheet over the mattress. “You think I can’t make a bed?”

Ford dumped a holdall by the door. “I don’t know,” he said, coming to grab the other side of the sheet to tuck it in. “If I had to put money on it, I’d say the cop was the neat freak in your relationship.”

“You’ve never been in a relationship with a cop, have you, brother?”

He snorted. “Not a fucking chance. Never have, never will.” The pillow appeared at the head of the bed, one, then another. “Unpack your shit.” Her brother backed toward the door. “I’m ordering pizza. We’ll chill before you get some rest. When the adrenaline’s out of your system, you’ll crash and might not eat for a while.”