Page 40 of Forbidden Wish

“I’ll stay,” she said.

Fighting him would be spite. Yes, she liked her freedom, but he wasn’t telling her she had to stay inside forever, just sleep where he could keep a better eye on her. With what had happened that day, and the level of evil she was dealing with, it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have a safety net.

“That was easier than I thought it’d be,” Ford said, glancing behind her. “Thank you… for looking out for her.”

“Always will,” Lachlan said, squeezing her shoulder. “Take care of her.”

He kissed her head and his hand drifted away as she departed between her brother and Jagg. Two protectors, three, it didn’t matter, Mila was the one in a hospital bed, her body in pieces. If she made it out alive, there would be a long road to recovery. Anyone else might take the crash as a sign to walk away. Not her. Yes, it was difficult, and of course it shook her up, but she needed justice for Mila now as well as the others.


THEY BROUGHT HER to the breakroom of Jagg’s Autos. Not so much brought. Her brother stayed in the doorway to finish the conversation, planning to depart again.

“I’ll grab whatever,” Ford said. “Clothes and shit. I’ll stop at a store too. Anything you want?”

Because he intended to limit her need to leave again?

“I don’t see why I can’t come with you to my own apartment.”

“You stay here. With the guys. Where it’s safe.”

“I’m not your prisoner,” she said.

“Not yet.” He backed into the hallway, holding the door. “You make my life difficult? I’ll make your life difficult.”

She just sighed. “Am I supposed to be afraid of you?”

“Yeah,” her brother said, his gaze intensifying. “‘Cause if I call Dad, he’ll be here in minutes. He’ll put you on full lockdown. You want to explain how you got yourself in trouble?”

No, she didn’t want to talk to her dad at all. Ford knew that, which was why he was using it against her.

“I need my phone charger. And shampoo. Conditioner too. Don’t forget the conditioner. And don’t be afraid of my underwear drawer. You don’t have to search anything, just grab a handful of whatever.”

“Why would I be afraid of women’s underwear?”

“Your sister’s underwear,” she said. “I don’t care, just don’t forget anything. Call me if you need help.”

“Yeah. Yeah,” he said, the door swinging shut when he let go.

His footsteps receded, and then there was silence. Space for her thoughts to rattle. The most prominent took her focus to Jagg, standing a few feet away, watching her. He had warned her of that.

“What does that mean?” she asked because it had been on her mind since he said it. “You said I’m yours, like… I don’t know. What does it mean?” The question wasn’t meant to reveal her uncertainty. Where they were concerned, there’d been nothing but question marks for days. “Because it’s been a tough day… I don’t want to…” He started toward her. “I just have to be clear what that means and what you want—”

Scooping her face into both hands, he pulled her up as his mouth descended on hers. They weren’t in Hustle. Didn’t have the excuse of kissing for cover or because it was a game used to protect them.

Her arms went around him as his hands glided down her back to boost her up onto the counter. The breakroom wasn’t the sanest choice, but who gave a damn? With his lips on hers, his tongue giving hers meaning, nothing else mattered.

He pulled her close, right to the edge of the counter, and bowed forward, supporting her braced weight in his capable arms.

“Jagg,” she whispered, her fingers losing themselves in his hair.

His mouth trailed down her throat. He planted one hand on the counter at her back, giving her a leaning post, freeing up the other to explore. Squeezing her breasts, he kissed each of the mounds and boosted back up to kiss her mouth again.

He wanted her. He’d said the words, and now she was experiencing their meaning. Fuck, she’d never wanted something more, never wanted someone more. Winding her legs around his hips, she locked their bodies together, rocking and writhing against the thick promise behind his fly.

Without hesitation, he lifted her up, distracting her mouth as he carried her to… wherever. It didn’t matter. They could go to the back workshop and do it there on the floor in front of all his employees. Chances were, she wouldn’t notice anyone but him.

He lowered her into the soft cradle of a bed and rose just enough to take her top off over her head. They’d never got naked with each other, but as he hooked the neck of his tee-shirt with two thumbs to pull it off, there was no mistaking their destination.