“So you keep saying,” she said, closing her eyes to enjoy his fingers as they caressed her cheek.
“I have to remind myself.”
If he kissed her there, in that room, while they were alone, they’d end up in bed. Urgency pooled and spread low in her belly. There wasn’t a rush, shouldn’t be a rush, and her claim she didn’t want to come between the men was genuine. They were friends, brothers, their friendship was solid. Why should she rock their foundations?
“I know,” she said, taking his hand from her cheek to step back. “It’s okay.”
And she smiled. Except it didn’t feel real. It was. She wanted him to know that she was okay. That they were okay. But his observation about her faking it changed its hue.
“I can stay,” he said. “If you want someone around while you rest.”
Unlike Mila, she wasn’t in fear for her life. Though it was sweet of him to offer.
“We’ll be okay,” she said, linking their hands to lead him to the door. “You need to sleep too.”
“I mean it,” she said, opening the door. “Go home to bed. I might need you tonight.”
She doubted it and had no intention of dragooning him out later, but if it got him to relax, a little lie was worth it.
“Okay,” he said, hooking a hand around the back of her neck to pull her in and kiss her hair. “Call me if anything changes.” She nodded in agreement, but he raised her chin up to meet her eye. “Genny?”
“Yes,” she said. “I’ll call if I need you.”
Her body might argue she needed him then and there. Her head, her heart, her libido, what was really in play?
As she closed the room door, the bathroom one behind her opened. Mila came out in a hotel robe. Looking much better… if exhausted.
“Who was that?” Mila asked.
“I sent Jagg home to rest,” she replied, locking the door then hooking an arm through hers. “Which is what we’re going to do right now.”
She’d have to call Steeple, let him know she was still breathing. And Lachlan. They hadn’t checked in with each other, and she wanted the cops to spend time solving the murder cases, not worrying about her. Her ex had said he’d ask questions. Maybe he had some crucial answers for her.
“THANK YOU FOR believing me,” Mila said.
“Of course I believe you.”
Funny that she’d spent most of the past few weeks being disbelieved by everyone who heard her argument. The power of belief gave strength and encouragement. Giving back to Mila was a no-brainer. Whether they were right or wrong, supporting each other got them closer to the truth. Mila also didn’t catch onto the fact that her revelations validated both of their theories.
Anna Emin.
Another name to add to her list of the unforgettable. Someone needed to get justice for them. Mila seemed as determined of that as her.
“It’s horrible that she died, but…”
“We have to consider the future, not just the past.”
Over their breakfast tray, they pondered their next step. Sure, it was after lunch, but their day was just beginning.
“There could be a woman out there right now,” Mila said, “someone going through what Steph and Anna did.”
Yes, because the women always went missing before they turned up dead. Autopsy reports confirmed the victims had been alive for some time between their disappearance and discovery. Usually, the Medical Examiner’s Office put time of death within twenty-four hours prior to their bodies being found.