Page 27 of Forbidden Wish

With one leg out, she was ready to go. Something caught her eye. Someone. In the alley by her building. Pacing, nervous, the woman clearly had something on her mind.

“What’s wrong?” Jagg asked, obviously noticing her delay.

“Will you stay here a minute?” she asked, distracted by the anxious beauty. “I know I’ve already monopolized your—”

“I’ll wait.”

Had he registered what she was looking at, or was he just being a good guy? She was more interested in the unexpected visitor and got out to head over.

“Mila?” she asked when within a few feet.

“Imogen.” Mila rushed over to grab her into a hug. “Oh my God, I can’t believe it.”

She couldn’t believe what?

Returning the hug was polite and if the woman needed comfort, that was fine, but…

“What are you doing here? What’s wrong?”

“I think there’s another one. I think he killed someone else.”

Her jaw loosened, absorbing the revelation. “Who?” Checking out Mila’s crumpled clothes and wild hair, it was clear she hadn’t been taking care of herself. “How long have you been here? Where are you staying?”

“Bryan called me,” Mila said. “He wants to meet.”


“He said he’d email me. I don’t know what to do. Do you think Vex knows? Did you tell anyone what I told you?”

Only Jagg and she didn’t doubt him.

“Are you scared? Do you think he’s coming for you?”

“I got a note through my door, at the apartment, after you left on Friday. It told me to leave, to get out of there. I moved that afternoon, packed what I needed and put everything else in storage.” With a tight grip on her arms, she pulled her closer. “I think someone is cleaning house… I could be next.”

“Okay.” Imogen cupped the woman’s face. “First we need to get you safe. You need food and sleep… and a shower.”

“Where is safe?” Mila asked, shaking her head. “Nowhere is safe. I don’t know what to… I don’t know who I can trust.”

“You can trust me.”

“You can’t protect us. If Bryan finds me—”

“You don’t have to worry about him.” Imogen turned her around to point out Jagg in the car. “See my friend over there? He won’t let anything happen to us.”

“I don’t… I’m not…”

“I am,” Imogen said, showing her a smile. “Come on, let’s get you off the street.”

She’d hogged Jagg’s night and now his morning too. If he accompanied them to a hotel, somewhere safe, and she got Mila settled in one piece, then she’d let him go. She didn’t mean to keep relying on him, she didn’t, but he was safety. Security. Certainty. Right now, Mila needed all three… and she did too.


“I’M SORRY. I’ve taken over your day.”

“That girl’s messed up,” Jagg said.

Mila hadn’t said a word in the car. Not one single word directly to Jagg. Until they got to the hotel anyway. Once they’d checked in and gone upstairs, Imogen started to ask questions. After that, the dam broke and Mila wouldn’t shut up.