Looked like they were getting through those doors after all. Someone had to be watching out for her… Wait, no, she didn’t want anyone watching what she’d just been doing with Jagg. Especially not a higher cosmic power.
The guys stayed close, leading the way. Seeing between them was difficult. Jagg could see right over the top of them. If only she were so tall. She could just climb up on him, not like anyone around there would care.
Adrenaline and anticipation merged with endorphins… and the couple of tequila shots she’d taken at home earlier. Her fingers threaded between Jagg’s. For grounding, her other hand clasped that connection tight. As the security guy opened one door for them, she sucked in a deep breath.
Time to work.
Stark darkness in the space wasn’t lit the same as the main room. Yellow dusky spotlights illuminated a raised bed to one side. They were led forward to a desk and the guy perched on the front of it.
“Fuck me,” he said. “Jagger Dunn.”
Evander “Vex” Manzani. She’d never met him, but everyone knew his face. From pictures in newspapers, online, and in cop files she may have seen lying around Lach’s apartment once in a while.
“Manzani,” Jagg said in response.
There were others around. On couches to the right, some next to the bed occupied by those entertaining the mobster. The music was much quieter there, so they weren’t spared the grunts and moans of overt passion.
“I almost didn’t believe it,” Vex said, standing up. “You want a cut?”
“I’m not back.”
“Sure, you are. And thank fuck, none of these bastards know discipline. Thirty percent of opening night. Twenty after.”
“‘Kay. Forty-thirty, but that’s as high—”
“What about her?” Vex asked, checking her out. “Private or community?”
“Private,” Jagg said. “No one touches her.”
“Ah…” Vex said, sauntering closer, sharpening his scrutiny. “Got a woman to support. Course you need the work. If she belongs to you, she’ll get our fullest protection.” His smile was too sly, too sinister to reassure her. “Welcome to the family, sweetheart, you are a beauty.”
“Thank you,” she said only to be jolted when Jagg yanked her harder against him.
Vex laughed. “Discipline a problem in your house, Jagg? Never struck me as the pussy bitch type.”
“We’re getting the fuck outta here.”
Jagg pulled her back but Vex raised a hand and a bunch of guys closed in around them.
“Night’s just getting started,” Vex said. “Got a live one, if you’re interested.”
When he nodded to something behind them, she tried to see what Jagg twisted to look at, but he jerked her back before she could get a good view.
His hanging hand rose from in front of her to grip her shoulder, so his arm was hooked around her neck.
“Not interested.”
“Then I’ve gotta wonder…” Vex strolled around his desk. “What would Jagg Dunn be doing in my place if it isn’t to work?”
“Didn’t know I was unwelcome.”
“You’re always welcome, but after the way we left things…” He sank into his chair, lounging as he examined the couple. “You want to make amends?”
Shit. What had she got him into? Her brother and Jagg ran with the Manzanis and other unsavory characters for a long time. They’d been free of that for years… her brother had. And she didn’t know how they got out.