“No one said you were back in the game,” the second guy said.
“I’m not,” he said, tossing a heavy arm over her shoulder. Resting against the side of her neck, it just hung there in front of her body, urging her against the solid guy at her back. “You gonna move…” he sniffed, “or you want me to move you?”
Both guys took a second before laughing. “Yeah, right,” the first guy said, unhooking the chain.
“If I was gonna get my ass handed to me by anyone…” the second guy said, reeking of hero worship.
Jagg walked, like she wasn’t even there, propelling her along in front of him. Providing she kept her body connected to his, it was surprisingly easy to move that way. With her own form of human outerwear, Jagg sure made for an amazing security blanket. Just be invisible. Be an extension of him and no one would notice her.
New plan.
Good plan.
The second guy came hurrying over to open the door. The darkness within wasn’t welcoming. Enveloped by it, consumed in shade, the door behind them swung shut.
“Breathe in, Genny,” his voice rumbled against her back.
The door in front of them opened, light flashed across them. The music was loud, bassy, definitely heavy, yet it wasn’t like any other dance club she’d visited. Her eyes hadn’t adjusted yet. White and electric blue lights flashed up and around, but the room wasn’t completely dark. Light stuttered in corners, keeping the illumination jumping and dying in a rhythm that went with the bass of the dulled music.
Still trying to take it in, she was swept forward when Jagg walked again. Going with it, the motion took them inside. It was only when they were there that she got her first look at the people… and what they were doing.
Benches lined up back to back, side to side, against the walls, in the middle of the room. Rectangles. Circles. Podiums. People occupied them all. And… yeah… she didn’t have to worry about showing too much skin.
She swallowed. Hard. Both were definitely relevant in this room.
Least she’d kept her sense of humor.
Sex. Everywhere. In every form. Right there. In front of her. Raised on the split level. Standing up. Sitting down. Lying. Reaching. Touching. Men. Women. Together. In threes. In groups. In every position and demographic that ever existed.
“Want to leave?”
Jagg’s voice made her jump. Right there. Above her ear. She dropped her head as a shiver went through her. Fuck. Why did she have to be there with a walking sex dream? In sex fantasy land, who else should she be with?
Though the music wasn’t deafening, it covered most of the sound going on around them. Thank goodness. Rather than try to talk to him, she twined her fingers between his in front of her, and advanced deeper.
This wasn’t the time to be squeamish. Women were dying. Heather Lantry. Michelle Cadlow. Stephanie Weet. The victims gave her strength.
Bar to the left, occupied though not overcrowded. As she got over the surprise of the theme, details formed in observations. Bartenders, servers, male and female, wearing only panties or briefs in black or white. Patrons did have some tables to sit and drink at. Few conversations seemed riveted, those people were watching… or foreplaying.
Okay. Not what she was expecting. But this was good. No one was taking names or pictures. She could watch. Wait until she found what she was looking for, then pounce.
The room opened up to reveal a protruding stage area, a mass orgy zone, with podiums at different levels for those who wanted to put on a show. On either side? Double doors. Interesting. Security protected. Exactly what she’d expect for a mafia son. To get in, Bryan had to know someone. Could he be in that secure room with his contact?
Rather than go the intriguing way, Jagg kept going forward, taking her with him, around a few more tables and benches… beds, to the wall occupied by one guy.
“Move,” Jagg said to him and bent over, her still in the cocoon of his body, as the guy scurried off.
He flipped the mattress like it was nothing then sat them down. The bed was narrower than a twin, so it wasn’t totally unlike just pulling up a chair in a bar. Thankfully, it had a sort of headboard separating them from the guy being serviced by two women next to them.
Their spot against the wall was perfect. Prime placement. With a view of those double doors.
No one was going in and out over there. The doors were closed. Did they go to the same space? Did it matter? Left or right?
A long finger hooked her jaw, dragging it around. Her eyes were the last thing to follow. They blinked a few times, taking in the dark ones scowling down at her.
“Will you buy me a drink?” she asked Jagg, hoping to keep him busy.
“Would, ‘cept if I leave you alone, you won’t be alone when I get back.”