Page 126 of Forbidden Wish

“I’m guessing he’s lying low right now, hiding somewhere the Manzanis put him. Silvio knows how to play it cool.”

“That means he’s in one place. Can you find out where?”

Sersha shook her head slow. “Not a chance I’m calling Evander for something like that. No way it would be worth what he’ll make me pay for it.”

“Is it true he’s obsessed with you? How obsessed?”

Sersha took her shoulders again. “Focus. Ludlow. You need to know what he knows. It might be the only way to stop it.”

Justice was dwindling in the rearview. Maybe hope was saving future women from the fate of those lost in the past.

“I don’t know how to find him.”

“Yes, you do.”

“But I—”

“You know how to find him,” she said and smiled. “Time to call Daddy.”


RIGHT THEN, the last thing she wanted to do was talk to her dad. Choice was taken away when Sersha sent a text then bundled them into a cab. The first time she’d been in a cab since finding out about the method of abduction.

“Do you want a drink?” Sersha asked when they entered her apartment.

“No, thanks.”

“Strat was already in the car, he won’t be long.”

“He’s not going to help me.”

“He wants to help; he just wants you alive more. Be grateful for that.”

“I can’t believe that he—”

“This is not about your personal relationship.” Sersha went about putting coffee on. “Forget Jagg and your family shit. This is professional.”

“He’s my dad.”

“He’s the only connection we have to Ludlow. The only chance you have for leverage.”


Against Silvio?

“It’s how the world works. Everything is barter. Find something, anything, that you can hold over Silvio. He will do what benefits number one. Make sure whatever you suggest is in his best interest.”

If someone expected her to threaten the don… Yeah, she wasn’t the best, or most intimidating, candidate to stand up to him, to anyone.

“What about the other families?”

“What about them?” Sersha asked, flicking on the coffee machine.

“Maybe one of them could help us. They must want the Manzanis in trouble, right? That serves their interest. Do you have connections in the other fami—”

Someone knocked on the door. Sersha sidestepped to open it and let it swing wide while she went back into the kitchen.

“Scamp, I—” Strat stopped talking when he saw her. “This an ambush?”