Page 152 of Star Marked Warriors

“I’m not a mage, Vorian. I’m not special. And—and I’ll try. I swear, I’ll try every day for the rest of my life if you want, but I’m not special like that. I can’t do it. If I’m not enough for you right now, that’s okay. It really is. I just need you to tell me and go. I can handle it. But a lot of people have told me I’m not enough and I’m scared I’m not enough for y—”

Vorian surged forward and his mouth covered mine and swallowed that last broken word. His tongue delved into my mouth, like he’d consume it all. Consume me. And god, I’d let him. He could have me, so long as he wanted me.Reallywanted me.

“You are enough,” he rasped against my lips between kisses. “You are all that I want.”

His fingers roughly dug into the base of my spine. I whined, but not because it hurt. Because he wasn’t close enough. And I needed to see it. See him.

With firm hands, I pushed him back. But he let me—I knew that he would.

When I stood, he stood with me, his brow furrowed, his gaze intent. As soon as he was close enough, I reached for the laces on his pants and pulled them apart.

“Okay, then there are some rules,” I said, out of breath, watching his eyes as I pulled at the laces. “You can’t just run away like that. It hurts me. It’s okay to have time on your own, but if you don’t tell me where you’re going, I get scared. Not of you. I just—I need to know you’re coming back. That it doesn’t mean you want to leave me behind.”

“What else?” Vorian asked, moving back for every step I took toward him, guiding him toward the huge, soft bed near the balcony.

“I need to be enough for you. If I’m not, you tell me now. You have to, okay? If I’m not a mage and can’t ever do magic, I have to be enough just like I am right now.”

He nodded, and taking the cue from my incessant tugging, slipped his thumbs in the waist of his pants and slid them down. Between one step and the next, he was naked. His knees and elbows were flushed a faint blue. His cock was slick and swollen, every ridge glistening in the low ambient light coming off vines creeping along the ceiling.

“What else?”

I blinked. There he was, letting me demand anything I wanted. But the truth was, I just wanted him. I wanted a future here—something soft and simple. And nothing about Vorian was either of those things, but I thought we both might need a little more of softness and simplicity. And together, we could build something like that.

“That’s it,” I said. “Those are my rules.”

“I submit to your rules.” There wasn’t the slightest bit of hesitation in him, and I grinned.

When I stepped in again, the backs of Vorian’s legs hit the bed and with one gentle push in the middle of his chest, I sent him toppling back onto the bed. As I climbed up after him, I let the robe slither off my shoulders and straddled him, rocking my hips so his dick slotted between my ass cheeks.

He groaned. His hands flexed on my thighs. But he waited, letting me guide this. Letting me set the pace.

Every thrust against his weeping cock spread that strange slickness over my skin, leaving tingling bliss in its wake. My toes curled. I threw my head back.

“Please, look at me,” he begged.

And I couldn’t help it. I’d give him anything he wanted. That was the trick, my sickness—if he’d stand by me, I’d do anything to keep him happy. I just hoped it worked both ways.

I met his eyes as I moved in a languorous sway. “I want you inside me. Deep. I want to know you’re here. That you’re with me for good. Can you give me that?”

Vorian groaned, but it was as good as an assent. He slipped his fingers between us briefly, just to brush his own cock. Not for pleasure. He wanted that slick precome his body supplied so readily. Perfect and huge and tingly and so much yes.

Screw human men. Vorian was just what I needed.

Oh god, that really hit home when he slid his thick finger inside me, spreading that tingly goodness all over. I moaned, the sound rising from low in my belly as that molten shiver worked its way through my muscles.

“You feel so good. Be fast. I want your dick.”

There was that sound again, a rumble in his chest that vibrated in his belly, tickling my balls. With a groan, I pushed down into him, spread my legs wider, pushed my open hole back into his working hand.

A second finger, and my brain shorted out. He scissored them open while I panted against his chest.

“Enough, enough,” I called it, swatting his chest and sitting up straight. I held my weight on trembling thighs. “Hold yourself still.”

His fist braced the base of his cock as I started to move. He could’ve held me down, fucked it into me in one smooth stroke. But he was patient, his brow screwed up with the effort of staying still as I rocked back and forth on his tapered tip, using its girth to work myself open.

“Oh!” It popped inside me to the first ridge, and my ass clenched. So did his jaw, but he bit down his groan.

I couldn’t have that. I squeezed again, and Vorian’s mouth split open on a feral sound, spit glistening in a strand between his lips.