Page 125 of Star Marked Warriors

With a rocking nauseousness, I dropped back onto the bed and closed my eyes. This wasn’t so bad. This was—


Crux perfunctorily lifted my dick, pressed the cold, flat surface of the device against my balls. There was a beep, then a pulling sensation.

I gasped, even scrambled back, but I didn’t make it far. Crux’s hand slammed down on my thigh, his fingertips digging viciously into the muscle, trapping me there. It was the kind of grip that made it perfectly clear that the most I’d accomplish in trying to escape would be hurting myself.

I shook at the tug of the tractor beam, my breaths coming fast. With my eyes squeezed tight shut, I battled the surge of anxiety that threatened to overwhelm me.

Then, my balls emptied. It wasn’t through my dick. Wasn’t pleasant. But I had that same, sensitive, raw feeling of emptying my nuts.

Trembling, I pulled back the second Crux let go of my thigh. Already, he was lifting the device, inspecting the small, full tube. My “sample.” Great.

My hands were so numb from clutching the bed, terror rushing just under the surface of my skin and making my limbs so useless that I struggled to pull the hem of my dress down, cover as much skin as I could.

Crux wasn’t even looking at me anymore. His gaze lit with interest as he moved the vial back and forth, watching the slow slide of the come he’d taken from me tilt one way, then the other.

“This is suitable,” he muttered.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed, ready to make a quick exit before he remembered where that sample had come from. Weirdly, I didn’t feel great about leaving my semen there in his hand, like it meant something to me already. But it didn’t. And I needed to get out.

My movement caught his attention. His head snapped toward me, and in one steady shove, he pushed me back. My ass hit the bed, I caught myself on his table of tools and implements, and I shrank into my shoulders, avoiding his intent gaze.

He grabbed my jaw and jerked my chin up. “Pretty human,” he growled. “So quick to volunteer. You wish to mate with the father of all Thorzan? Provide your seed for me to grow my army?”

I flinched, but those were not the kinds of questions it was wise to answer. Still, he was speaking like—like he meant to use all of us, make his own children.

“Vorian will win the tournament,” I whispered. Crux wasn’t even participating.

My fingers clenched on the table, wrapping around something small and smooth. It was impulsive, like I could grab a weapon and have any chance against this brute.

Crux laughed, the sound biting and cruel. “I do not care what Vorian does.”

His arm lashed out as he stepped back, my head snapping to the side with the force of it. I shut my eyes, shrinking back, but he didn’t strike me again.

“Leave, pretty human. I have work to do.”

I stumbled out of the lab, rushing back to the dock of rooms they had stuffed us into with the smooth cylinder still gripped in my hand. Kenosi was there waiting for me, leaning against the wall beside my room.

He must have seen the fear and upset in my face. The sting of tears in my eyes didn’t register until the moment he spread his arms. I crashed into his chest and buried my face.

“Beau,” he muttered. “Beau, what happened? Did he harm you?”

I shook my head. He hadn’t. He hadn’t hurt me. He’d scared me, sure, but one push? That was nothing.

The worst was that I felt empty, used, helpless. My legs shook and he took me back into the privacy of my own cell, away from the others. Meanwhile Kenosi did his best to comfort me, prying to figure out what had happened that left me trembling and eager to hide.

“What’s this?” Kenosi asked when I failed to answer him clearly, easing my clenched fist open.

There, in the middle, was a small vial, the very same kind that Crux had used to collect my sample. I swallowed, hiding it in my palm again. I shook my head. “It’s nothing. Trash. Don’t worry about it.”

What I couldn’t tell him—what I barely understood—was that I wanted to throw myself against someone who really could help, who was strong enough to keep me safe.

I wanted Vorian, and right then, he was gone, fighting for the right to my gametes just the same as his father wanted to. Because now, I finally understood—Vorian winning the day didn’t mean safety. It wasn’t a promise of a future to look forward to, a baby that’d hold onto my finger in a tiny little fist, an alien that’d protect me at any cost.

I was stuck here now, and I was scared that I’d never make it out of this lab.