I blinked, trying to see his face. A deep voice spoke, confusing me because it didn’t seem to come from the man who had just reached into the van and woken me up, but rather from another man, whom I realized I hadn’t noticed because of the way the bright sunlight made everything hard to look at.

“Welcome to your new home, honey,” the voice said.

I swallowed hard. Something about the way the man had saidhoneyhad made my heart rate go up what felt like fifty beats a minute. The word carried a little of the warmth a girl would usually expect from a man who called herhoney, but it also had another note, one I found very hard to define.

Menacing?As if he wanted to make certain I understood that I had no choice but to accept the hard, masculine authority softly gloved in the wordhoney. As if my “new home” would probably not be to my liking, but I would have to live there anyway, accepting its terms and conditions.

I didn’t remember until that moment what the doctor and the nurse had told me about my “new home.”

My lips parted, as my eyes adjusted to the light a little bit and I could make them both out, both of the men who stood looking in at me, occupying practically all the space left open by the sliding back of the big van door.

Huge. Enormous. Tall. Big. Muscular.All the adjectives I had ever heard anyone use for men’s size and strength seemed to flood into my mind. Then I blushed hot as another one added itself to the list.


My new life as… the doctor and the nurse… they had said…

Sexual servant.They had told me I was going to a place where I would be a sex toy for firefighters. I swallowed hard. I didn’t think I had ever seen two men who looked more like firefighters than the ones looking at me now, who had woken me up and welcomed me to my new home.

“I’m Daddy Jacob,” said the one who had spoken before, the one who had welcomed me. He stood to my right. My brain, still emerging from sleep, struggled to understand. The first word…daddy, though it had kind of sounded like it should have a capital letter.


Oh, hell no.

“What the—”

“Don’t,” the other one said, his voice a little lighter, a little higher in pitch. “You’re already going to be punished every day, Marianne. Don’t make it worse by swearing.”

The wordfuckdied on my lips. My heart kicked up another notch, feeling like it wanted to burst out of my chest. My eyes went from one bearded face to the other: brown hair of a very similar shade, close-cropped on both heads, a neater, closer beard on the left, a fuller one on the right… both faces…

My lips parted, my breath quickening at the sheer masculine gorgeousness of both these firefighters’ faces. They wore jeans and white t-shirts, and their biceps bulged out of their sleeves. I had to swallow hard, again, to keep from whimpering at the way the sight of their bodies affected me.

“I’m Daddy Phil,” said the one who had just warned me not to swear.

My jaw dropped, and for some reason I found myself swallowing yet again, which is not easy to do with your mouth wide open. My eyes kept going back and forth, too, opening wider and wider as I tried to figure out just what the fuck was going on.

Daddy… punished every day… don’t make it worse…

I managed to close my mouth. I started to speak without any idea what I meant to say.

“I…” Before my voice could trail completely away into the nothingness guaranteed by the complete emptiness in my brain, the guard in the passenger seat started to speak to… them. The firefighters. The huge, muscular firefighters who had each independently just called themselvesDaddy.

“So it seems like you guys know that this is Marianne Givens, your new SRD.”

My mind struggled with the abbreviation. The doctor had said something that must be related, hadn’t he?

“She’s in scrubs,” the guard continued, “just so she doesn’t get any cuts or anything before you guys take delivery.”

My mouth opened again, and my breath came in and out in quick pants astake deliveryadded itself to the strange new list of things that sounded completely innocent but that, when applied to me, sent an utterly unwelcome thrill of shame and helpless arousal shooting through my nervous system.

“Sure,” said the one who had called himself Daddy Jacob, the one with the deeper voice, the fuller beard, and the brown eyes.

“And you know to take her clothes away as soon as you get her inside, right?”

“Jesus,” I heard myself say, though frankly I seemed more and more often to become a different person, or maybe no one at all, when these assholes talked about me as if I were…

What? A fuck toy? A…It came back, from the doctor’s office.A sexual relief device.