I felt my cheeks burn at the shame of saying it straight out like that. My tummy lurched at the thought of letting go of the possibility of climaxing, because I needed to come so very badly. But I could tell from the way Daddy Jacob’s eyebrows went up that I had surprised and maybe even impressed him.
I kept going, the warm glow of helpless affection in my chest, for this enormous man who had punished me so severely, pushing my thoughts and words along.
“Because… because it’s part of the punishment… and if you make me make Ashley come, but I can’t come myself, and you all… you know… you all fuck me really hard and you…”
I stopped and swallowed hard. Crawling panic had come suddenly into my tummy at the idea of the words in my head that I had stopped myself from saying.
Daddy Jacob’s chocolate eyes kept looking at me, very steadily. He tilted his chin down a little, as if to tell me that I had to say it, if I wanted the terrible thing I had proposed.
I swallowed again, feeling my face twist into a pout. When I spoke, it came out in my little voice, despite the very grown-up nature of the words.
“And you use my bottom really hard too.” My lips parted and my breath came in tiny pants as the imaginary scene seemed to take hold in my mind. I whispered, “All of you. To, you know, show me how bad a girl I was, and maybe even…” I swallowed hard yet another time as a new dark idea formed in my head. “You know, maybe you want to… take out your frustration on me?”
My brown-eyed daddy’s chin lifted back up, and the smile returned to his mouth, even bigger. I could tell he had had an idea of his own, one that I wouldn’t necessarily like—but one that meant at least he was considering my shameful proposal.
“If you come without permission, honey,” he said, “we’ll make you watch while we use Ashley, and you’re not going to have another chance at an orgasm for a week.”
I blinked, and my brow rose in alarm. My lips parted, but no words came out. In the intensity of this moment of communication, my eyes locked on my daddy’s, I felt like somehow the deepest parts of us had become linked: the penalty he laid out frightened me, but in a way that I could see now represented an important step forward for me. To submit to my daddy’s rules, to do my best according to his standards, in this terribly shameful way, would make me his.
His little lady. His very, very naughty bad-girl little lady.
I giggled: I couldn’t help it, despite the jolt of pain it sent through my body from my thoroughly whipped backside, turning my smile into a wince.
Daddy Jacob’s smile didn’t go away, thank goodness—it got wider, as if he liked the sound of my laughter. His eyebrows knit together adorably, though.
“What?” he asked. His face got mock serious for a moment, but I could tell he didn’t mean it. “Is there something to laugh about?”
“Just how I’m supposed to be my daddies’ little lady, but you’re going to fuck your little lady’s bottom so hard, while she goes down on another girl.”
* * *
Ashley and her daddies hadn’t gone back to bed, it turned out, so it only took a minute or two for them to come back to the break room. As Daddy Jacob laid out the ground rules for what our daddies would do with us, butterflies filled my tummy, and I wondered if I had made a horrible mistake asking for this—begging for it, really.
“It’s not going to be the celebration we were planning, but Marianne’s persuaded me that it will help her learn her lesson. She’s been a very bad girl, and she’s being punished for it. She herself suggested that she should pay for what she did with more than the whipping I gave her. Marianne, honey, go ahead and tell the other daddies what you want.”
I felt my eyes go wide. My heart sped up wildly. I knew what he meant, but I had never thought he would make me say it.
“I…” I started in my little voice, the tone quavering as I tried to say the humiliating, frightening thing. “I want you… my daddies… to… to take out your frustration on me.”
Daddy Phil spoke very sternly, his voice so full of paternal authority that it made my tummy lurch.
“Daddy Jacob told us you were a bit more specific when you asked him for this, sweetheart.”
I bit my lip hard as I turned to look at him, standing next to Daddy Jacob. I felt my chin moving against the upholstery of the table, as my body tried to deny I had said it, or maybe that I had meant it. My mouth, though, seemed linked to the deeper, darker place inside me. Though I could hear the quaver in my words, I heard myself say them, in a version of my little voice that I would have to calltiny.
“Please, daddies… I… I mean… I want you to take out your frustrations on my… on my bottom hole.”
I looked at Daddy Ned and Daddy Paul: their eyebrows had gone up in an almost-comically identical way, and both their mouths had twisted into half-smiles of apparent appreciation. When I turned my eyes to Ashley, standing between them, I saw that her face had turned very red, and her forehead had creased deeply. The sight of her lovely face with that expression on it made me chew the inside of my cheek as I tried to ignore the other effect her blush had on me: the way it added so much heat to the already-distracting warmth between my legs.
“That okay with you guys?” Daddy Phil asked Ashley’s daddies.
“Oh, yeah,” said Daddy Paul. “That should be just fine.”
My eyes went back to his face, and I couldn’t push back a little cry of fear and need at the hungry light in his eyes. Suddenly, I wondered whether I had made a terrible mistake. As badly as I needed this dark connection with my daddies and my fellow bad girl, after my punishment, and as thoroughly as I knew these men would never actually harm me, I could see in all their expressions that they took their duty to discipline me very seriously.
“Ashley, honey,” Daddy Jacob said, “go ahead and take your clothes off, and we’ll do the same. I want you to put your pussy right in front of Marianne’s face so she can show you how sorry she is that she put you in danger.”
I let out a little sob as I saw them start to follow my bear daddy’s instructions. Daddy Jacob and Daddy Phil began unbuttoning their white uniform shirts, while Daddy Ned and Daddy Paul stripped their tees over their heads to reveal those mouth-watering, tummy-flipping abs all our daddies seemed to share equally.