“I don’t know how long it’ll take. Nash said there was still more investigating to do,” Adam told him.

“In that case I will be there if he has more questions. Spend a few days in Vegas with my bro. Not going to complain about this, Adam. As long as I get to see you and spend more time getting to know your men. That’s what I want. I let our mother and stepfather tear us apart once. Never again.”

“Alright. We need to be going. I’ll let you know when we arrive.”

“Sounds good. Drive safe.”

“You too.”

This time after ending the call, Adam sat back and thought about what he was doing. He was returning to the one place that he swore he would never go back to. He had been adamant about going but now his stomach twisted and his hands shook. Could he handle this? Or would he end up in full panic mode? Shit! Adam couldn’t breathe.

Fuck! Why couldn’t he catch his breath?

“Hey, hey.” Nash dropped down in front of him. “It’s okay.”

Adam shook. He was trembling.

“Just breathe, sweetie. In and out.”

Adam breathed. In. Hold. Out. Hold. He listened to Nash’s directions until he was no longer lightheaded. Damn! Adam hadn’t even realized he’d started to have a panic attack.

Nash was holding Adam’s hand to his chest. Nash’s chest thumped under his palm.

“Can you feel my heart. It’s beating. For you. Every time you’re around me, my heart goes haywire.”

Nash nodded.

“Can you smell me?” Nash asked. “I used Lucas’s bodywash this morning. It’s different than mine. More woodsy.”

“Spicy,” Adam whispered. His throat hurt.

“That’s right. You hear my voice?”


“And you always will. It doesn’t matter where we came from. We’re together now. I should get Lucas, huh? He told me some things to do but— You probably need Lucas.”

“Hug me?” Adam needed an anchor. Nash was sweet that he wanted to get Lucas but Adam needed Nash too. Nash was better at taking care of Adam than Nash thought.

“Of course.” Leaning forward, Nash wrapped his arms tightly around Adam.

“Tighter,” Adam said.

Nash tightened his arms.

Adam could breathe again. Even though he still felt shaky, Adam knew where he was and that Nash was holding him.

“I know I’ve canceled a lot of appointments lately. My clients will understand. At least a week, but I’ll let you know if it’ll be longer. Thanks, Trick.” Lucas walked into the living room and stopped in the doorway with the phone still up to his ear. Concern flashed over his face.

“I hadn’t considered that.” Lucas’s concerned gaze met his and Adam tried to smile. “I’d appreciate it if you gave him a call. Whatever he can manage. Yeah. Yeah. You’re the best. I’ll talk to you later.”

Adam buried his face back in Nash’s neck a little embarrassed that he’d freaked out after demanding to go along.

“Oh, baby.”

“He’s okay,” Nash said.

“Of course.” Lucas sat next to him on the couch. He wrapped one arm around Adam’s shoulder. “He has us to make sure.”