“Lucas and Nash are going to kill me,” Maverick complained from the driver seat. “I’m dead. I’ll never see my team again.”

Adam scowled. “It’s not that bad.”

Maverick turned his head. “Seriously?”

“It’s…” Damn, Maverick did have a point. “They don’t have to know.”

“You’re going to lie to your men?”

“No.” Adam wouldn’t be able to do that either.

“I’m dead,” Maverick whined.

“We don’t have to do this,” Adam said.

“You begged me and now that I’ve driven twenty minutes in bullshit traffic, and you want to leave?”

“I thought you wanted to leave,” Adam pointed out.

“I do!”

“We’re not leaving,” Adam said.

“I knew you were going to say that.” Maverick peered up at the run-down motel room in front of them.

“She’s there?”

“Third room on the left. Upstairs.”

Adam swallowed hard. Was he really going to do this? Go upstairs and confront the woman that had been his monster under the bed? The thing that went bump in the night? Adam wasn’t sure about this.

“We really can leave,” Maverick said quietly.

“I have to go up there.”

“But you don’t!” Maverick argued. “She doesn’t matter. Nash already told us that they arrested Jim and all the others. It’s safe and no one else will ever get hurt.”

“She was just as bad,” Adam said. “She hurt us too. She allowed him to hurt us. She should pay.”

“I know.” Maverick waved his hand around. “Look at where she ended up though. All alone. I’d say she’s paying for her decisions every day.”

“Yeah.” Adam reached for the door handle. “You coming?”

“You sure the fuck aren’t going in there alone,” Maverick said.

“Let’s get this over with. Jesse is taking all of us out for a fancy dinner before we leave in the morning.”

“Alright. Just remember that anything she says is bullshit. She’s a miserable person and has always been. You know what they say, misery loves company, and she is going to lash out.”

“I can handle it.” Adam hoped his brother believed the words because he was lying through his teeth.

“Let’s just get this over with.”

They climbed out of the car. Adam followed Maverick up the broken steps until they reached the second floor. Maverick stopped in front of the door. The paint was peeling, and the door didn’t even seem that solid.

Adam took a deep breath.

Maverick knocked.