Nash glanced at him from the side of the bed.

“What?” Lucas smirked.

“Am I going to climb into this bed and get left all alone because I need my rest or some shit like that?”

“If you don’t watch your language, you just might,” Lucas replied.

“Evil,” Nash accused from where he sat on the edge of the bed.

“That’s not the way to get what you want or ask for things,” Lucas reminded him. He’d actually been surprised by how calm and amendable Nash had been for the afternoon. He’d expected after the teasing that Lucas had done that morning that Nash would try to push more boundaries, but Lucas should have known better. Very seldom did Nash actually allow his emotions to control him. Lucas wished Nash would trust them enough to show them how he really felt but it was a work in progress.

“I’m horny and I think you owe me,” Nash replied.

Lucas lifted a brow. “I owe you?”

Nash shrugged. “I owe you then? A blowjob?”

Lucas shook his head.

“What about me?” Adam asked. “I rubbed your belly for you after dinner.”

“You did!” Nash’s eyes lit up. “You deserve a blowjob too!”

“You have a lot of plans for that mouth of yours,” Lucas said. He realized what Nash was doing but decided not to call him on it. Nash wanted them to use him, needed to feel important, and he was, but just not for his body.

“My mouth is legendary,” Nash quipped.

“Lie down on your back,” Lucas ordered.

With a groan, Nash lay back.

“Baby, will you put a pillow under his leg?” Lucas asked.

Nash watched him but Lucas was not going to give the game away quite yet.

“Good baby,” Lucas praised Adam. “Now come here.”

Adam stepped up. Lucas kissed him deeply before running his palms up under Adam’s back. Pressing closer, Adam gave himself over to Lucas and Lucas took advantage, thrusting his tongue inside while touching all the skin he could get his hands on.

Drawing back slowly, he looked over Adam’s shoulder to make sure that Nash was paying attention. He smirked at the boy watching them with wide eyes. Hand down the front of his sweats.

“Should you be doing that, boy?” Lucas questioned.

“No one else is touching me,” Nash quipped.

Lucas pecked a kiss to Adam’s lips once more before he urged Adam to turn around to lean against his chest. He needed to be careful keeping Adam comfortable as he teased Nash.

Adam was his gorgeous baby, but Lucas didn’t miss the signs that Adam wasn’t comfortable with his looks or his weight. Adam was not overweight. He might be bigger than the other boys, but he also had a different bone structure. Lucas would call him husky but never to his face. To Lucas, Adam was perfect just the way he was.

Lucas was a large guy. He preferred his guys to be substantial. Lucas would never want to hurt one of his partners, but he also enjoyed being rough on occasion. He needed someone who could handle him.

“You are so sexy, baby,” Lucas whispered in Adam’s ear. He ran his hands up Adam’s stomach under his shirt to tease his nipples.

His baby squirmed for a moment, his ass brushing Lucas’s erection briefly, and Lucas bit back a moan.

“Take his shirt off,” Nash rasped. “I want to see him. I love looking at him.”

Adam dropped his head but didn’t resist as Lucas pulled his shirt up and off. He sucked the flesh behind Adam’s ear as he went back to playing with Adam’s nipples.