He peeked over the top of his blankie.

“What else do you have?”

Adam didn’t have to show Lucas. There were boundaries that he could put in place. But wasn’t this what Adam wanted? If he wasn’t brave enough to show Lucas his little side, then their relationship would never work out. Adam wanted a Daddy—it was just scary to have his dreams so close to coming true.

“I can give you more time if you need it, baby. No pressure,” Lucas told him.

He quickly shook his head.

“I need words, baby,” Lucas replied. “Do you want to play tonight? Be little for some time?”

That would be amazing. It had been a rough couple of days and Adam was tired of being worried about Nash. Plus he was exhausted from spending two days at the hospital waiting for Nash to be released. He covered his face with his blankie but nodded. “Yes, please,” he managed.

“Good, baby.” Lucas stroked the back of his leg again. “Can we look through your stuff?”

Oh God! Adam had no idea what all Sam packed. It couldn’t be too horrible because Adam didn’t have anything that he didn’t play with. He nodded again.

Lucas pulled Adam to his strong chest. Leaning against Lucas’s—no, his Daddy; Adam had a Daddy now. Leaning against his Daddy’s chest, Adam let himself be hugged.

“What’s this?” Lucas tugged on his blankie. “Is my baby shy?”

“Yes, Daddy,” Adam whispered.

“Oh, sweetheart.” Lucas pulled Adam onto his knee. “You can be my shy baby if you want.”

“Okay, Daddy,” Adam snuggled his face into the side of Lucas’s neck.

“Good baby.”

Adam glanced over as Lucas grabbed the closest bag and pulled it over. Cuddled up to Lucas, Adam was safe, and watched as Lucas started to pull everything from the bag. His Daddy made sounds of approval as he removed clothes, a bottle, a pacifier, toys, more toys, coloring books, and even a couple diapers.

“What’s in the other three bags?” Lucas asked.

Adam groaned. He hadn’t gotten that far.

“Here’s what we’re going to do,” Lucas stated. “Daddy is going to put all your things in their proper place. You can sit and watch Daddy and we’ll see what we can find to give us some Daddy and little time.”


Lucas stood before he urged Adam onto the mattress next to the bag he’d already emptied. Adam eyed the pacifier in its plastic protective case. He only used the pacifier when he was alone. Not even Sam or Caden had been with Adam when he used certain items. Adam loved his friends, but they needed someone bigger than them when they regressed. Adam would play but he always kept an awareness so he could look out for Sam and Caden.

“Would you like your paci?” Lucas asked.

He was a brave boy! He was a brave boy! “Yes, please, Daddy.”

Lucas beamed at him. “Of course, little man. You’re making Daddy very proud of you.” Lucas unsnapped the lid before he strolled over. He held the nipple of the pacifier out for Adam.

Opening his mouth, Adam waited patiently until his Daddy set the paci gently against his lips. Adam sucked, securing his paci, before bringing his blankie up to cover his mouth. He wasn’t hiding…exactly.

Lucas began to collect the items from the bed as Adam watched. His little stuff was put in the top drawer of the dresser before Lucas placed his bag of blocks on top as well as his coloring books and markers. His Daddy left his cars and monster trucks on the bed though.

“Can I open the other bags?”

Adam nodded before his gaze caught on the green monster truck by his knee. It was his favorite. If it was real, it would crush all the other cars.

Lucas moved the olive-green duffel closer, but before he opened it, he picked up the monster truck that Adam had been eyeing and handed it to him.

Humming around his paci, Adam began to run the truck over his knee.