Nikhil utterly ignored her, inclining his head in agreement to Jeong-Hun. “Absolutely.”

Vanessa lost all color in her face as she realized that several major vampire heads were dead serious about this. She started backpedaling frantically, already reaching for a phone, like she intended to call in help.

Faster than the eye could track, Fernando closed the distance between them, stopping with his unsheathed blade at Vanessa’s throat. Max even jumped at his speed, and he wasn’t anywhere near the man.

Vanessa froze, eyes pleading. “Y-you can’t. Please, you can’t—”

“You’ve messed with my children too many times.” Fernando’s voice had no mercy in it, no remorse.

“Sire, I trust you to deal with this?” Zander slid his hand into Max’s before leading him forward. “Max’s father is out of surgery, and I want to get back to the hospital quickly.”

Fernando didn’t look away from Vanessa as he gave his child a reassuring nod. “I’ll deal with this. Go, be with family.”

“Thank you.”

Max thought about arguing. Decided, naw. Vanessa from the house of Fuck Around had not so cordially invited Max in for tea at the house of Find Out. If that tea was poisonous to her, so be it. Besides, she’d almost ruined lives for greed, the woman and her goons couldn’t be trusted.

He left with Zander, hearing the sounds of carnage behind him in the courtyard. Screams of pain, cries for mercy, the impact of bodies hitting something hard—likely the brick walls of the building. If the VSB branch was still standing at the end of the day, he’d be very surprised.

All Max wanted was Zander, a hot shower, and a truly decadent Sundae with all the toppings. In that order.

Zander opened the passenger door for him, warning as he did so, “You’re not leaving my side for a long while. So best call me glue.”

He’d probably expected a protest, but honestly? After the day Max had just had? Sounded perfect. He knew better than to say that, though, because if you gave Zander an inch, he’d take ten miles. “Just don’t actively hover, okay?”

Zander lit up in a smile and leaned in to kiss him. “Aww, you do love me after all.”

He’d just taken ten miles anyway, hadn’t he? Dammit.


Three Months Later

Max woke up in degrees, eyes fluttering open as sensations started pouring in. The heat from the open windows, the softness of the mattress under him, Zander’s happy singing in the shower.

Seemed like his husband was in a good mood.

A smile lifted his face as he sat up, stretching. His body was pleasantly sore after having hot sex with his new husband all night. Max rather relished the feeling.

It had taken almost three months to get to the point they could hold a wedding ceremony. Max had adamantly refused to hold a ceremony until his father was well enough to attend, which took over two months between all the surgeries. His father was now completely healed—and a vampire, as Zander had made good on his promise and turned him.

Then they’d had all the paperwork to submit to put notice in that Max would marry Zander, with permission from a guardian, which had taken a fucking moon’s age to push through. The VSB headquarters had fought it every way they could. They hadn’t liked what had happened with Vanessa, to start with, or having the city’s branch demolished. Apparently, while they agreed Vanessa had violated serious vampire law, they’d insisted it would have been better for them to deal with her in-house. In the end, though, they’d conceded that the clan heads were within their right to deal with the threat to their children’s mates. There might have been a threat or two from Fernando, but you couldn’t get the mafia boss to admit it.

Their wedding yesterday had been beautiful. Not ostentatious, as Max just couldn’t do pomp and ceremony, but close friends and family had all attended and that was what mattered to him. He’d officially become part of the Vespertine family now, and Max honestly hadn’t expected how satisfied that would make him feel. How secure he would feel, knowing no one could try and separate him from Zander. It was like he’d been carrying millstones around his neck and was finally able to set them down. It freed him, no question.

Max threw the covers back and sauntered into the ensuite bathroom of their hotel room. They had a two-week honeymoon stretched out in front of them, Zander having chosen the best hotel on Jeju Island for them to start the trip. Max was ecstatic about it, honestly, as it was the first time he’d been outside of the United States.

Right now, though, he had a man in the shower who took priority.

Max paused in the doorway. Zander wet and naked was quite the view. Max doubted he’d ever get tired of looking. All that sleek, powerful muscle casually on display, water highlighting sun-kissed skin as it trailed down.

Despite the three very satisfying rounds of sex last night, Max felt his interest stir. He absolutely had to get his hands on that.

Zander heard him as he opened the shower door, turning his head to give Max a smile. “Well hello. I thought you were still sound asleep.”

“Your singing woke me up.” Hugging Zander from behind, Max gave the bare shoulder in front of him a kiss.

“I was going to wake you in a bit. I have a few things I thought we could do today. There’s a restaurant within walking distance from here that’s famous in Korea—”