Apparently, her patience was also running thin as she snapped back, “There are other, far more deserving matches who would treat you significantly better. Much better than that newly turnedchildcould ever hope to.”

Max couldn’t let that insult stand. He got right in her face, words ringing with cold finality. “A vampire damn near tore my throat out and left me for dead five years ago. It’sonlybecause of Zander that I am willing to be a vampire’s mate. There is no one, on the face of this planet, who is a better partner than him. If you dare suggest otherwise one more time, I will put a boot up your ass. You’re also worlds too late. I love that man to pieces. I will not separate from him willingly. Let’s be clear on this, the only reason why you’re pushing so hard to separate me from him is because of the matchmaking commission you’d get. I’m worth, what? Five or six million? I bet it burned when you couldn’t get that fee from Chase, but I’m not your next meal ticket, lady.”

Chase also looked done with her shit. Max was ready to try drastic measures to escape, when Chase abruptly threw a hand into the air. What…? Then Max sensed it, the abrupt feeling of displaced air, before a person was suddenlythereat his side.

“I do not suggest pressing the matter,” a familiar voice drawled.

Oh thank fuck. Franklin was here. That must’ve been a signal from Chase for backup. If anyone could settle this standoff, it was Fernando’s right-hand man, who was formidable in his own right.

Vanessa clearly recognized the newcomer, her teeth grinding together audibly. “Fernando’s watch dog. Why are you here?”

“Two of my young masters go to school here,” Franklin returned mildly. “I’m here to aid them in pest control.” He came to stand in front of Max, forcing Vanessa back a step. “Whatever the VSB’s opinion on this matter, you can’t force either Max or Chase to go with you. Their choice of spouse will be entirely that—their choice. Max has made himself very clear in his decision. His choice is Zander. You either respect that, or I will make sure trouble comes your way. You’re already on thin ice with the VSB headquarters after the stunt you pulled trying to take Chase away from a bonded mate. Being director of this city’s branch only gives you so much power and immunity.”

She was outnumbered, knew it, and wasn’t the least bit happy about the outcome. A frown marred her face and she was quite clearly cursing up a storm in her head. From her purse, she drew out a business card and offered it to Max. “Take this, Mr. Monroe. If you change your mind, all you have to do is call. I’ll come get you immediately.”

Max put his hands behind his back, adamantly refusing to take the card. “If any other vampire aside from Zan tries to put hands on me, I’ll murder them myself. You’re not tempting me, lady.”

“Leave,” Franklin commanded. “While I’m still asking nicely.”

Unable to do anything but glare, she jammed the business card back into her purse, pivoted sharply, and marched off, the lackey following her.

Only when she was out of earshot did Max dare to draw a full breath. “Franklin, your timing is amazing.”

“I was fortunately patrolling nearby when Chase gave the old signal.” Franklin regarded Max with a canted head, expression thoughtful. “Did I hear that right? A Glutton attacked you when you were younger?”

Max was surprised he hadn’t already been informed. “You heard right, but that’s in the past now. Chase, take me to my car. I need to see Zander.”

Franklin held up a hand. “I think, all things considered, I better take you to your car. And then escort you to Zan. He’s going to come right out of his skin when he hears about this stunt.”

Erk. Yeah, pretty good assessment. After this, Zander might not let him out of the house unless they were attached at the hip. And wouldn’t that just be a joy and pleasure. Well, it would, but deucedly inconvenient during class and business hours. Dammit, Max still wanted to tell Zander that he loved him, but how was he supposed to set the mood when he now had to explain getting ambushed on campus?

Max now understood why no one liked the Vampire Society Bureau. Was there a club for this? He would like a jacket.

Chapter 16

Zander could feel his blood pressure rising with every word from Max’s mouth. If not for the fact his lover was right there in front of him, obviously safe and sound, there might well have been a murder. To be specific, Vanessa’s.

Franklin, fortunately, had brought Max directly to Zander’s office. It gave them room to talk, although it wasn’t quite the privacy Zander needed to reassure Max in all the ways he wanted. For that matter, Zander was also in need of reassurance. He tamped down the fierce urge to hold Max close and just breathe in his lover’s scent.

He could see how angry Max was, the emotion understandable, but what bothered Zander most was something else—the fear in Max’s eyes. Max’s dark brown eyes were expressive, and they spoke a language all on their own. If one paid attention, you could see the nuances in Max’s emotions, and Zander definitely was paying attention now.

His Max was afraid and trying not to show it.

To hell with that.

Zander cupped Max’s face with both hands, locking eyes with him. “No one can force you to leave me. You understand that, right?”

Max nodded, but it was shallow, as if there was no real conviction behind his response. “Franklin and Chase said the same thing. It’s just…she wasn’t alone. She had this hulking guy with her. I think, if she’d failed to sweet talk me into following her, her plan was to just grab me and go.”

Ice flooded Zander’s veins at the mental picture. He could, unfortunately, see it all play out too easily. Max wasn’t a fighter, he just wasn’t built that way, and even if he was, he didn’t have the strength to overpower two vampires.

Franklin cleared his throat from where he sat on the office couch, leaned forward. “Zan, it looked that way to me, too. The guy didn’t say a word the entire time we were there. He just stood by and watched, as if waiting for orders. He was maybe twenty-ninth or thirty-first generation.”

Strong enough to give Max trouble, low enough in rank to obey another’s orders without question. Zander did the math without trouble. “Franklin, you already spoke to our sire about this?”

“On the drive over. Fernando’s doubling security around the campus. Also lodging an official complaint against VSB. It’s only going to go so far, though. It would help if you could officially declare your courtship with Max.”

“I’m aware, but…” Zander’s eyes went back to Max’s. “His father is still in a coma. They won’t bring him out of it for another week.”