Nikita looked it over with the sort of glee fangirls would have. “Your boyfriend gave this to you. Didn’t he?”

Did Max want to explain that Zander was most definitely not his boyfriend? No, not really. Boyfriend was easier to roll with than saying vampire master. “I told him not to.”

Chase plopped down right next to him, his attention now all on Max. “You have a boyfriend?”

“It’s a very, very recent thing.”

“I thought you were spending all your time with your dad?”

“I am, as much as I can. Zander’s helping me with that.” Max glared some more at the lunch box. “He just tends to go overboard. Like now. Seriously, what am I supposed to do with this thing the rest of the day? I don’t want to haul it around.”

“You can stick it in my car,” Chase offered. “It’ll be fine in there until you’re ready to go home.”

Now there was a good option. Bless Chase. “Thanks, man. I’ll do that.”

“How is your dad?” Nikita asked as she settled at the table across from him.

“They’ve got him in a medically induced coma at the moment, he’d be in too much pain if he was awake, but he’s healing good. He’s got great nurses”—thanks to Zander—

“and the whole staff goes out of their way to assure me of his condition.”

“That’s good. I know you said you weren’t going to do school this semester because of him, but he must be doing okay since you’re back.” Nikita beamed at him.

His desire to explain that Zander also demanded his return to school was…yeah, no, she didn’t need to know about that. “Help me eat this?”

“I’d love to, it smells amazing!”

Max undid each layer of the box, setting it out so they could all share it. Japanese was apparently the theme here. Rice, gyoza, tempura, spring rolls, sushi, hibachi chicken, salad, and cookies on the very bottom. Where the hell had Zander bought this, some five-star restaurant?

That actually wouldn’t surprise Max one little bit.

“Wow,” Chase commented even as he readied chopsticks. “That looks amazing. Your boyfriend spoils you.”

Max slapped a hand over his face. “If I can figure out how to get him to spoil me less, life would be better. Anyway, dig in.”

“With pleasure.” Nikita went straight for the gyoza.

Max would have a Long Talk with Zander about overdoing it.

Max had just come out of a night class, walking alongside Chase toward the parking lot since he still had his lunchbox.

Max’s phone buzzed with an incoming message. He checked it automatically. Oh, it was Zander, he could answer lat— Wait.


Had that said car?

Max pulled the phone back to his face, opening it up and reading the message properly.

Zander:Bought you a car. I think I found something you’ll feel comfortable driving. I’ll give you keys later, ok?


Max stopped dead in his tracks, calling Zander immediately. Zander sounded delighted as he answered. “My Max!How—”

“You will not buy me a car.” Max put feeling into the sentence. He put firmness. His tone brooked no disagreement.

There was a digestive pause. “What if I already purchased the car?”