“As much as you seem to love nature, I’m surprised you didn’t go into botany.”

“Mm, I thought about it, but the chemistry broke my brain. Besides, I’m marrying two loves right now. I really like the artistic aspect of architecture. This way I can design buildings and houses that fit into nature instead of taking it over.”

“Ahh, is that your goal?” It made total sense now. “When you’ve graduated, you’ll have to design yourself a house with a conservatory. It’ll be one of your happy places.”

“Why do my spider senses tingle when you say that?”

The man was sharp. “I can just install a garden for you.”

“Nowhere in the contract does it stipulate giving me a garden or indulging my hobbies.”

“But you like it,” Zander protested. He loved that Max felt comfortable enough to bicker with him. Truly, bringing him here was genius.

“You’re not doing it. Do you understand the upkeep on gardens are insane?”

“How about a nice greenhouse instead?”

Max looked sorely tempted for a moment. Ah-ha, he at least wanted the greenhouse. Zander started making mental plans.

Looking torn, Max shook his head. “Still too much upkeep. I couldn’t manage it while juggling school and my father.”

“I would get a gardener to do the bulk of the work. Your job would be to enjoy it.”

“Still a no.” Max’s mouth firmed in determination.

“What if I let you design the greenhouse?”

His determination visibly wavered. “Nice attempt, to throw extra temptation into the mix. Still a no.”

Well, instead of a large one, Zander would start off small. Something around a thousand square feet would be about right. No, on second thought, maybe two thousand square feet. He’d have to look into them.

“That is not your agreeing face, Zander.”

“You really have become a telepath, haven’t you?”

Max shook his head, exasperated. “Why are you like this? Instead of getting me a greenhouse, why don’t you just bring me here.”

“Or hiking?” Zander offered.

“Sure, I like to hike.”

“You do? We’ll do that next, then. I haven’t gone hiking in ages.” Zander held out a hand to Max. “Shall we continue? There’s a café somewhere up ahead.”

“I’m getting thirsty, so that sounds good.”

They got back on the paved walkway, then crossed a wooden bridge that went over the river Max had been admiring.

“You’re still not allowed to buy me a garden.”

“I’m sure we can negotiate this.”

“If you absolutely must buy me a gift, then I’ll take a few more house plants.”

Oh, so the greenhouse was fine to buy him after all? Good, good. They’d start there.

“No more than five, okay?” Max pointed a stern finger at him.

Zander smiled, helpless to do otherwise.