Even more important, all three men could fit through the opening. Max ducked his head out first, looking the courtyard over carefully from all angles. He didn’t see or sense anyone about. Alright, good. He carefully maneuvered through the opening, lowering himself the few feet it took to reach the ground. Turning, he offered a helping hand to Dante, who landed lightly on his feet beside Max, with Jin pulling up the rear.

If they could just get to the street, find a taxi, they’d be halfway home.

A commotion came from inside the small room, drawing Max’s attention back to it.

“Why is the window missing?! THE HUMANS HAVE ESCAPED!”

Aw shit. They’d found out way too quickly. Max pushed a hand against the other two’s shoulders and urged them forward. “Go, go!”

Of course, even the newer generation of vampires were much faster, and none of the three humans had that kind of speed to them. They’d managed a whole ten feet towards the gate when vampire thugs seemed to descend from every direction. Jin paused, then moved both Max and Dante behind him, falling into a defensive stance. Which pretty much confirmed it for Max, Jin was definitely in security somehow.

Max didn’t know what to do. He really didn’t. This was such a shitty situation. He was also scared what they might try next. Drug him again, take him out of the country completely to where Zander would never find him? Hurt him worse than the Glutton had? He really, really couldn’t put anything past these guys and the uncertainty of it churned his stomach.

Vanessa stalked through the gate, eyes snapping fire. “I can’t believe you three! How can you try to escape like this and make it look like we’re doing you a disservice—”

Max stepped halfway around Jin, in full voice as he snapped back, “I already have my mate, dammit! Listen to what I’m saying! I don’t want anyone else. You’re the one breaking your own rules by taking a vampire’s mate away from his chosen person! Is a five-million-dollar pay day worth your life? I guarantee you, if you don’t give me back, Zander’s going to murder you in cold blood.”

Jin drawled, “For that matter, Dante is under contract with his vampire, and removing him forcibly is a gross breach of the law. You’re about to be in a lot of trouble, lady. Do you really think your actions will be sanctioned by the bureau?”

She held up a hand and visibly summoned patience. “I can introduce you to people who are affluent and charming, who will pamper and spoil you throughout your days—”

“I already have one of those, and you’re keeping me from him!” Max snapped back.

The screech of tires and roar of engines piqued Max’s attention, the noise overlapping with several car doors all opening and slamming. It sounded like a lot of vehicles had just converged on this location. This could be good or bad, depending on who’d just arrived.

A tall, slender man with his hair tied up burst onto the scene. One of the thugs tried to check him, bar his entrance, but he wasn’t to be stopped. He crushed the thug’s windpipe in a decisive blow before shouldering past, leaving the vampire choking for air on the ground.

Oh, who was this? Max shifted onto his toes, ready to take the guy if necessary. Vampire or not, the eyeballs could be taken out with two fingers, and he was not above trying.

Dante blew right past him and Jin. “Ayan!”

Ah. The sorta boyfriend. Well, he’d made good time.

Ayan caught Dante up in a fierce, protective embrace, and the naked relief on his face couldn’t be caged with words. No wonder Dante had been so certain he’d come. Also, sort of dating but complicated? Like hell. Ayan’s emotions were written all over his face, there was nothing uncertain in that fierce expression.

Ayan wasn’t alone, either. Several others accompanied him, and—oooh. Lots more vampires. A good thirty had just poured into the courtyard.

Jin murmured, “The plot thickens. That’s Jeong-Hun, head oftheKorean mafia family. Shit, no wonder Dante was sure we could take refuge with his clan. No one sane messes with Jeong-Hun.”

Another mafia boss was a vampire? Talk about a small world.

Actually, what the hell had the VSB been thinking, taking a family member of Jeong-Hun’s? Had they lived too long, was that the problem?

“Dante,” Jeong-Hun came in close as he spoke, brows furrowed in a dark expression. “Are you hurt?”

“I’m good,” Dante assured him, lifting his head just enough to talk. “Master Jeong-Hun, you have to help Max and Jin, too, please? They helped me escape. They’re also true mates and don’t want to be here, either.”

Jeong-Hun’s dark eyes flashed over to them. Man was intimidating as fuck, no lie, he looked like he’d survived three wars and could spit out bullets. At least Max wasn’t in a towel this time when facing down a mafia boss? Silver linings. Max gave him his best smile. “Sir.”

“These three are not going anywhere!” Vanessa stomped forward. “This is outrageous, there are protocols to be followed, you can’t just—”

There was a blur behind her, and a hand materialized, grabbing her by the hair and yanking her right off her feet. The motion was so fast Max almost missed it, and then Vanessa crashed through the patio table in a shower of glass.

“You cunt of a bitch,” Zander snarled, hands still twitching as if throwing her hadn’t satisfied him at all. “Youdaretake what is mine.”

Zander. Max blew out a breath in relief, so happy to see him he felt his eyes burn with the emotion.

Vanessa lay gasping for air, bleeding from multiple cuts, but Zander was apparently done with her for the time being. He came straight for Max and for the first time, Max met him halfway. His trembling hands found Zander’s waist, moving in close to rest his head on that familiar shoulder. He just needed a second. One second to properly take in this feeling of safety. Breathing Zander in settled Max’s nerves as nothing else could, the scent of warm male skin filling his head.