Max liked this attitude. He had hoped his father would respond like this. “Dad, I think—

The door slid open with a voice saying audibly, “Knock, knock, am I intruding?”

Max turned and gave his lover a smile. “Not at all, come in.”

Zander stepped inside. He was in the burgundy suit that was so sharp on him, the one Max always wanted to rip back off. (He would, too, later.)

Rising, Max brought him in closer, wanting to do proper introductions. “Dad, this is Zander. Zan, my father, Karson.”

Zander offered a smile and a handshake, with Karson returning both. “I’m very glad to meet you, Mr. Monroe. I’ve been anxiously waiting for you to wake up.”

“I’m glad to be awake, although my son’s sent my head spinning with the story of all that’s happened. Please, Zander, sit. Talk to me.”

“I’d love to.”

“First,” Karson started, his sincerity shining through, “thank you. For protecting Max, for helping both of us. I know you went above and beyond what was asked of you.”

“It was entirely my pleasure,” Zander assured him with a gentle smile at Max. “I will do this and more if it takes the stress off his shoulders.”

“What happens now?” Karson asked. “Max said something about the Vampire Society Bureau hassling him? I don’t understand that.”

“Ah, well, there’s a few reasons for that.” Zander sat back in his chair, making a sour face. “As you likely know, vampire’s mates are very rare. The VSB is technically in charge of safeguarding one when they are found, and will introduce them to possible vampire spouses. It’s a lucrative business, which is partially why they’re trying to interfere. The second reason is more petty. You see, in my clan, we now have three mates.”

Zander continued, still maintaining that sour expression. “The VSB do not like that so many mates are all in one clan. They consider it hoarding, really. They don’t dare bother Noel—a smart survival instinct on their part—but that’s why they keep trying to talk either Chase or Max into going with them. Well, they actually seem to have finally given up on Chase. That was a whole thing in and of itself.”

Max answered the question he could see brewing in his father’s eyes. It was the one thing he hadn’t yet explained to his father. “Dad, it’s part of the reason why I’m so glad you’re awake. Vampires have this rule about marrying. They can’t do it without a guardian’s permission.”

“At least under a certain age,” Zander said. “With anyone under the age of twenty-one, we must have a parent or guardian’s approval.”

Wait, an age limit? “Zan, you didn’t tell me that. I thought I just had to have permission, period.”

“Oh. Well, no. Technically we could wait two years and be able to marry. I just don’t want to wait two years.”

Fair. Max didn’t either.

“Well, I’m not going to stop you if this is the man you love. I just have one question I need answered first.” Karson turned to Zander, his eyes weighing and evaluating the vampire carefully. “Max has told me how much you’ve done, how much you’ve supported his aspirations. I can’t find fault with that. But do you want him solely because he’s a coveted vampire’s mate?”

Max just about came out of his chair. What?! How could his father think that!

“Perish the thought.” Zander shook his head firmly. “I was determined to marry him before we even put it together, what his nature was. Knowing he’s a vampire’s mate is only an added bonus. Like finding a treasure trove only to discover there’s another room beyond it.”

This man, seriously. As if Max was a treasure. He rolled his eyes and fought down a blush. Zander was so over the top.

“Then I’m relieved.” Karson reached out to give Max’s hand a squeeze. “I don’t know if you need something more formal, but you have my permission.”

Max leaned in to carefully hug his father, happy beyond measure. He’d known that when his father met Zander, he’d see why Max had fallen so hard for him.

“Thank you.” Zander gave them both a smile. “That said, since I’ll marry into the family, may I call you Dad?”

“Feel free,” Karson encouraged. “Ha, I get another son. Not often that happens to a man my age.”

“It means I now have three fathers, which is something else.” Zander chuckled, eyes twinkling. “I by no means am complaining. Well, Dad, I’ve got two questions for you. Feel free to sit on both of them and think them over before replying. First, I’ve set it up so we can take you home.”

“Take me…home?” Karson repeated like he didn’t quite understand what this meant.

“We converted one of the downstairs rooms at the house over into a room you can use,” Max explained, beyond happy with the idea of having his father nearby, “Zan’s got nurses lined up to do ’round-the-clock care. You can come stay with us while you recuperate.”

“I won’t need to stay in the hospital?” Karson smiled in relief. “I wasn’t going to ask. I didn’t want to burden you with taking care of me, Max. But if Zander’s got nurses to help me, then yes. Please take me home.”