“Just…” Max bit his lip uncertainly. “Zan, just tell me one thing. Will we have to tell other vampires about me?”

“Unfortunately, yes. The Vampire Society Bureau mandates the reporting of all known mates. If I could keep you all to myself without bringing trouble to my clan, I’d do so in a heartbeat.”

This answer upset Max, a frown appearing on his face. “But I don’t want anyone else. Although…what you’ve said got me thinking. That night those vampires tried to snatch us, it wasn’t just me that wasn’t affected by your abilities. Chase wasn’t either. Is he also a vampire’s mate?”

“Yes, he is,” Zander confirmed easily. “He didn’t tell you?”

“Chase doesn’t always pass along information he should.” Max shrugged, as if he was resigned to this, but his expression was still thoughtful. “So he’s a vampire’s mate. What are the odds of us knowing each other? Aren’t we rare?”

“You are indeed, and the odds are incredibly low that two of you would know each other like this. A one in two million chance, would be my guess.”

“So, how many known vampire’s mates are in North America?”

“Including you? One hundred and nineteen have been identified.”

Max stumbled to a halt, voice rising incredulously. “Out of a population of three hundred million?!”

“Remember, not every vampire’s mate has been found,” Zander explained, hand palm up in a shrug. “You have to be around a vampire for a length of time, and feed one, before it becomes clear you are one. Not every human has that kind of exposure. Really, the probability of one potential mate in every five hundred thousand humans is a statistical guess. We can’t really prove it.”

“Shit,” Max breathed, still floored by this information.

“You are very precious, my Max. More so than I think you’ve imagined. There’s many a vampire that would give up a prince’s ransom to just be introduced to you. The fact I stumbled across you on an auction block is nothing short of a miracle, in my opinion.”

Max didn’t seem to know what to say to this, just kept his hand tight on Zander’s. It was a bit much to take in all at once, so Zander let him think about it.

“Are we going to face trouble with the vampire bureau after they learn I exist? The way you talk about it makes me think so. You don’t actually want to tell them about me despite the potential repercussions.”

It was a valid question. Zander didn’t want to be dismissive of it. “Telling the bureau about you is essentially the equivalent of throwing a bone into a pack of wild dogs.”

“Geh.” Max’s expression looked perturbed. “Seriously?”

“Sadly, there’s not much dignified about the outcome. Mainly because of the money involved, to be honest. A successful match made by the bureau can easily bring in five million. They make a pretty penny from the commission.”

Max choked, eyes bulging. “Just for a matchmaking service?!”

“That’s how important and precious a true mate is amongst vampires. Just hosting a meet and greet can rake in almost a million dollars—even if the match is unsuccessful.” Zander grimaced at the memory. “We went through a lot of backlash when Chase’s status was reported. The bureau immediately responded, wanting to take Chase to a private house so they could introduce potential matches to him. We had to argue back and forth for quite a while before they relented. They might well try again with you. But Max, as pushy as they can be, they can’t force you into anything. Legally or morally, they have no authority over you. What you do, who you choose, is entirely your choice.”

Max nodded slowly, taking this in. “So if they approach me and start making demands, stand my ground.”

“Yes. Also call me. Or Fernando, either one. Well, call me anyway, I want to know what’s going on. You’re already in a committed relationship with me, they can’t ignore that, try though they might.”

“I will definitely make phone calls. I have allies and I am not afraid to use them.”

“Good boy.” Zander lifted Max’s chin to smack a kiss against his sweet mouth.

Max lifted up enough to kiss him back. “Don’t worry, okay? You’re the only one I want.”

Max was determined to give him an overdose of cute today, apparently. It was a genuine protest, though, and Zander treated it accordingly. He grazed the lightest of kisses against Max’s mouth before pulling away. “My Max, if any other vampire dares to think he can court you, he will not survive to see the next sunrise. Rest easy on this.”

Max gave him quite the speaking look. “I don’t want you to kill them for it.”

“Whether or not they live is entirely up to them. Now, what would you like to eat?”

“You cannot distract me with food.”

Max’s stomach rumbled in petulant protest.

“You sure about that?” Zander jerked his chin to indicate the stomach in question.