“Ahh,” Fernando said knowingly. “Did I interrupt a post-coital nap?”

“You did. I hope this is important.”

“It is and pertains to Max. You apparently sent over a notice to our lawyer that you want to break contract. Are you sure on this?”

“Why would I be unsure?”

“Well, I do see why you would want to, but you understand that so long as the contract is in place, no other vampire can approach him. If it’s lifted, they can, and when they find out he’s a vampire’s mate, he’ll be inundated with interest.”

Urk. Damn, Zander hadn’t thought of it from that angle. “But if the contract is in place, I can’t marry him until it ends. The contract forbids it.”

“You’re so sure he’s your mate, then?”

“I was sure before we even did our little test. No one complements my soul better than he does. I refuse to let this man go.”

“I’m pleased to hear it. I know you’ve been happier since you met him. I won’t argue this choice, my child; it’s yours to make. I just wanted you to be aware of the pros and cons.”

“I realize I’ll have some idiots to deal with if I go forward, but I just can’t keep this thing hanging over our heads. It’s too detrimental. I also don’t want Max to think some of what I do for him is because of our contract.”

“Hmm, yes, I do see your point there as well. I’ll tell the lawyer to proceed. Fair warning, I will have to submit a report about Max to the VSB.” Fernando said this last part apologetically.

The Vampire Society Bureau was a pain in the ass even on the best of days, but a necessary evil. Zander’s lip lifted in a snarl of distaste even as he shrugged. “Yeah, I know. When Max wakes up, I’ll fill him in on everything so he’s braced for anyone approaching him.”

“Wise of you. All right, I’ll let you go.”

“Bye.” Zander hung up and glared at his phone. He wanted the VSB in his business about as much as he wanted all his teeth pulled, but needs must.

Exiting the bathroom, he did pause at the side of the bed, just drinking in the sight of Max. His dark brown hair was ruffled on the pillow, the afternoon light turning his fair skin into a dazzling display of creams and golds. He was such a beautiful man, and when asleep, he looked so innocent. Nothing like the wild creature that had almost driven Zander insane earlier. It had been the hottest sex of his life, no question. Zander had clawed at control, barely keeping his strength in check to avoid hurting his lover. It had been a damn near thing at moments.

Having experienced lovemaking that intense, that raw, he could see why his kind sought after a mate so ardently. Anyone would want a lover like that for the rest of their lives. Zander himself was no exception.

If another vampire even dared step foot on Max’s shadow, there would be a murder.

Being patient and letting Max take things at his own pace had clearly been the right tactic. It had been worth every second of effort waiting for the man to open his heart to him.

Max stirred, eyes fluttering open. His hand searched the covers, as if missing Zander already. The movement just about ended Zander right there. How cute was that?

He was quick to come and sit down next to Max, brushing a hand through his lover’s tousled dark hair. “I’m here. How are you?”

“Good.” Max smiled up at him with so much sweetness, a softness to his expression. “How are you?”

“Overwhelmed by you, honestly.” Zander lifted Max’s hand to put a kiss into his palm. “You ever surprise me.”

“That’s my line.” Max sat up a little, frowning as he looked around the room. “How long did I sleep?”

“About two hours. I just woke up myself. Are you hungry?”

“Starving. It’s what woke me up.”

Max’s body was no doubt trying to replace the blood he’d had taken. Zander knew he’d drank too much earlier, but Max’s inarticulate noises had spurred him on. Something kind of red meat for his lover might be best. “Let’s order something, then take a shower while we wait for it.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Zander lifted Max’s chin, smacking a kiss against his sweet mouth.

Max lifted up enough to kiss him back. “Don’t worry, okay? Any other vampire will take me from you over my cold, rotting corpse.”

Zander thrilled at those words and couldn’t hold back a smile as he kissed Max again. “You’re a genius at making me happy.”