Need, need, need. That’s all Max could think, the only word making any sense in his head. When Zander gathered him up close, resuming the kiss, Max latched on.

A slender fingertip slick with lube brushed against his hole and he groaned in relief. Yes, there. Touch him there. He needed the penetration like he needed air.

Zander fingered him with caution first, which drove Max wilder. He tried pushing back onto that single finger, only for Zander to haul him in tighter, not giving him room to wiggle. No, more, dammit! More than—yes, okay, second finger felt splendid. But that did not compare to the nice, hard cock Max felt pressed up against his and—

You know what, fuck this. He’d speed matters along with his own hand.

He dropped a hand down, slithering it between them—something of a trick with the way they were pressed tightly together—and got his hand around Zander’s cock. The second he wrapped fingers around it, giving it a good stroke, Zander made this breathy little groan that became an instant ear worm in Max’s ear. He’d need to hear that on repeat. Maybe another hundred times or so.

Nice size there, too, and so hot in his hand. Max needed this cock in him rather badly. He tried squirming against the fingers again. Still no? All right, two could play at this game. He lifted his head enough to get his teeth against the side of Zander’s neck and bit down—hard.

Zander groaned again, the sound raw and hungry. A shiver racked his skin under Max’s hands. The vampire liked to be bitten, who would have guessed. He pulled fingers out—yay!—pushed Max flat onto the bed again, and held his legs wide. Max latched onto his shoulders, trying to pull him into place faster. Now, now, now.

The first push of that hard cock inside him felt like bliss and burn rolled all into a delightful package. Max’s head tilted back, breath caught in his throat as Zander pushed slowly in. Oh—oh fuck that was…so much more than Max had bargained for but in all the best ways and damn. Hot damn.

Then Zander retreated a bit so he could thrust back in and Max just about lost whatever was left of his mind. He saw nothing but stars for a moment, his breath utterly stolen by how perfect that thrust had been, by the delight it sent zinging along his nerves. Then Zander did it again, and again, and Max became this mindless animal of pleasure. He couldn’t think, only ride out this wave after wave of delight as Zander slammed into him over and over again.

He clutched at Zander’s shoulders, trying desperately to get somehow closer to him. There wasn’t even air between them now. His own cock was trapped between them, being rubbed in delicious ways as Zander’s skin slid back and forth against it. Zander’s breath was harsh against his ear, the slap of skin against skin mingling with Max’s own cries of pleasure. It was the most erotic melody he’d ever heard.

He never wanted it to stop.

It had to stop. Max’s body couldn’t take much more of this. Human beings weren’t meant to withstand this kind of pleasure for long. His entire body was humming, too overwhelmed, and he needed release from it all. Please, please, release—this was no longer a want. It was pure need.

Zander’s head turned, found the spot where he’d fed earlier, and gave it one good, hard suck. It triggered Max immediately, throwing him over the edge without warning, and he screamed, arching as he came. Darkness ate at the edges of his vision as he shook, coming hard enough he damn near passed out.

It took long seconds, maybe a few years, for Max to realize he’d checked out entirely. He wasn’t on his back anymore, but tucked in against Zander’s side, cuddled tenderly, the man’s hands sweeping up and down his side in a gentle caress.

“Back with me?” Zander asked softly against his forehead.

Max tried for words. Got a groan instead. Hmm, mouth wasn’t responding. He gave it a mental reboot and tried again. “Yes.”

Max managed to get his head to roll back a little (okay, call it what it was–a flop) so he could see Zander’s face. Awww, he was adorable. Look at him, with that little furrow between his brows. Max would have patted his cheek if he’d had the energy.

“Max?” Zander pressed, furrow deepening. “How are you?”

Max gave him a dreamy smile. “I am a vampire’s mate, aren’t I?”

Zander’s furrow disappeared and he smiled back. “Yes, sweetheart, you are. No question.”

Hearing that confirmation made him almost unbearably happy, but he was too exhausted to celebrate just then. Later. “Good. Let me sleep now, I’ve earned my nap.”

Max curled back in and promptly passed out.

Chapter 14

Zander was awoken by a very rude phone that insisted on buzzing noisily from…somewhere on the floor. Pants pocket, maybe? He groaned, glaring about the room. Ah, there.

Max was still dead asleep and Zander wasn’t about to wake him. He slid carefully off the bed before padding quietly over to the phone, fishing it out, and looking at the screen. Ah, Fernando. Zander went into the bathroom before answering, closing the door behind him.


“Child, you sound groggy.”

“For a damned good reason.”

“You also sound smug?”

“Also for a damned good reason.” Zander couldn’t contain his smile as he said, “We just tested the theory of Max being a vampire’s mate. He is.”