“I would bet everything I own you are. At the very least, you are extremely compatible with my kind, which is nothing to dismiss, either.”

A vampire’s mate. A vampire’s mate? Max wanted to reject this out of hand because he wasn’t that special. He’d never stood out in any way, shape, or form. But…he had the two indicators. There was no denying that.


Zander cupped his cheek, studying his expression. “I know it’s a lot to take in.”

“It’s that and I don’t…I don’t know how to make sense of this. Are you sure?”

“Ninety percent sure. The only other test I can run on you is to feed when we’re not in a desperate situation, see how you respond. I know you don’t feel pain, but if you can feel arousal too, then you are definitely a mate.”

Max wasn’t sure what to make of this or even how to feel about it. Did he want to be a vampire’s mate? Sounded like some fairytale-level shit to him. Also, there was a part of this Zander was not touching on.

“If I am…then doesn’t that mean you have to introduce me to vampire society and let a bunch of people try to win me over?”

There was no humor in Zander’s eyes as he answered. “If another vampire dares to approach you in that way, he will not live to see sunset.”

Oh. Was it wrong to hear murderous words come out of Zander’s mouth and be happy?

“Even if you are not,” Zander continued, manner softening again, “you are most definitely compatible with me. I’m not ignoring that.”

Sounded a lot like a good segue, so Max took the opportunity. Even if he felt strangely nervous saying it. “I don’t want you to ignore it.”

A slow smile took over Zander’s face. “Oh?”

Max leaned in and teased his mouth with a kiss, tasting that smile, his nerves falling away. “I want to give us a chance.”

“Please do,” Zander breathed before kissing him deeply.

Max hummed under the kiss. It was just as delightful as it had been this morning. Damn, kissing this man felt almost sinful.

He fully expected Zander to take them up to bed but instead he broke off, breathing a touch fast. “If you mean that, a few changes need to be made. First, I’m canceling our contract.”

Alarm shot through Max and he latched onto Zander’s shoulders. “What?! Why?”

“Because I won’t have that damn thing hanging over our heads. Don’t worry. I’ll maintain everything I’m doing for you, everything I’m paying for, but I’m courting you with clear intentions. I will not have you thinking that contract is the reason why I keep you with me.”

Court—courting?! “Wait. Zan. Slow down, you’re losing me. Courting me? As in—”

“As in I have every intention of marrying you, if you’ll have me.”

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Max’s brain has left the building. We do apologize for any inconvenience at this time. Please try again.

Zander chuckled. “You should see your face.”

Oh, he had no doubt his expression was a good one. He’d meantdatingand here Zander was skipping right to marriage. “Zan, I’m a broke architecture student, you can’t be ser—mhm.”

Zander kissed him with intent, mouth holding Max’s hostage without any interest in letting go. Kissing this man was a pleasure and Max lost both words and objection.

They broke apart only to breathe. Max’s heart was beating fast, just from the kiss. Was Zander serious? He looked perfectly serious. Determined, even. It was all well and good for him to clear the air, but this was a very uneven playing field. Max didn’t have a damn thing to offer in return except his snarky self. It felt unbalanced.

He swallowed hard, trying to find the words, even though the truth might destroy any real chance with this man. “Zan, feed from me?”

Zander’s head jerked back. “Sweetheart, I just did that last night—”

“Please? I need to know. One way or another, I need your theory confirmed.”

“Honey, it doesn’t matter. I want you all the same—”