“Good. I don’t think it will be an issue, really.” Fernando’s eyes were dancing again as he looked down at Max. “You’re formidable in your own right.”

Max belatedly realized he had dared to issue orders to the most powerful mafia boss in North America. While wearinga damn towel.

Well, shit.

Fortunately, Fernando seemed more amused than offended. Max didn’t know what he would do otherwise.

Zander lifted his head with a sigh, eyes closed for a moment. “I feel so much better.”

He looked it, too. The pained lines around his eyes and mouth were gone. Even as Max watched, the red, angry patches all along his ribs and hip healed, leaving nothing but healthy skin behind. Still, because Max trusted Zander about as far as he could throw him, he had to ask.

“Fernando, was that enough?”

“It was,” Fernando assured him. “He’ll be perfectly healed within the next half hour, I would say. Now, Zan, what have we learned?”

“Don’t make Max mad,” Zander answered without a beat of hesitation.

“Not quite the takeaway I wanted to hear, but it’ll work. I’ll let you rest. I’ll be back in the morning to check on you.”

That had almost sounded like a threat. Max was perfectly okay if so.

Fernando had one more instruction to leave, this time to Max. “His body temperature will be low throughout the night, as he’ll expend energy healing. It’ll be best if you stay close to keep him warm. Give me your number before I go.”

Max did so, then ushered people out of the room, wanting Zander to rest. It took a few minutes for people to disperse, and only then did Max go back into the bathroom to finish putting on pajamas. He also gave himself a second for a mini meltdown.

He’d told off a mafia boss. While wearing a towel.A towel. What the hell was wrong with him? Had his worry over Zander broken his brain? Thank fuck Fernando was easygoing enough to take that in stride. Or at least amused enough to laugh. This could have gotten messy otherwise. He’d have collapse into a mortified puddle, but he didn’t have the time just then. Zander still needed him.

Max pulled on his Don’t Care face before exiting the bathroom.

Zander was happy, of course, because he was getting cuddles from Max. He pulled the blanket back before patting his right side. “Right here.”

Max climbed into the bed, pulling blankets back up around them both, before carefully settling in so that his head was pillowed on Zander’s shoulder. Zander did feel a bit cool to the touch. Max came in even closer, lightly buffing Zander’s arm with one hand, trying to get some warmth into him.

Zander made a sound of utter contentment. “I’m sorry I scared you.”

“Zan, I already have one person in a hospital bed. I can’t handle another. Please, please take better care of yourself. Think of it as the best gift you can give me.”

There was a beat. “If you’re trying to manipulate me into feeding from you more, it’s working.”


Zander slid a hand over his waist, snuggling in a little more. “Stay with me tonight?”

“Trust me,” Max whispered against his skin, “I am absolutely not moving.”

It took no time at all for Zander to fall asleep. Max laid awake, examining that sleeping face, thoughts churning. His head felt chaotic, the mix of impressions from the day, suspicions, and feelings all jumbled together like a rummage sale bin. He sorted thoughts out, one by one, all while his eyes traced every feature.

After all that had happened today, a few things were now crystal clear.

One, Zander would rather hurt himself than cause any harm to Max, which told him how much Zander cared for him.

Two, Max apparently was just as invested. The only thing he could think of when Zander was hurt was how to help him. It was time to face facts. Max was half in love with this crazy, sweet man already. It would take no effort on his part to fall the rest of the way.

Strangely enough, the thought didn’t scare him. A smile teased up the corners of his mouth instead. His heart finally at peace, he closed his eyes and let sleep take him under.

Chapter 11

Morning light filtered through the curtains, acting as a natural alarm clock. Zander woke up with a warm body curled in his arms, Max’s scent filling his head, and instantly became addicted. Could he have this every morning, please and thank you? Mornings were evil but if Max was cuddled up with him, they would be much more bearable.