“I can, but…” Max’s eyes went to Zander. He was loath to separate from him right now for any reason.

“I can handle the car,” Franklin said. “Let me give the order to pack everything up. With this rain, we’re done for the night. Ronan, I’ll let you handle the logistics of getting Zander home from here.”

“Will do.”

Chapter 10

Despite the twenty-minute drive home, Zander still wasn’t fully healed. Better, yes, but the road rash was still raw, hints of gravel in his skin. He moved like even breathing hurt. Max’s worry was through the roof. He did not like seeing Zander hurt, not one little bit.

As Ronan pulled up to the front door, Max leaned forward to speak with him. “Help me get him upstairs. I want to put him in the shower, clean the wounds.”

“Not a bad idea. Okay.”

Ronan parked the Rover and came around to the side, helping Zander out. He was plenty strong enough to manhandle Zander, so Max went ahead of them, opening and holding the doors.

Once they reached Zander’s bedroom, Max went into the bathroom to run the shower.

Ronan carefully eased Zander’s jacket off, Zander hissing in pain as he worked it loose. Everything was wet and sticking to skin, which didn’t help. For every time Zander flinched, Max felt his heart twinge in response. He also grew that much angrier. All of this could have been avoided if Zander had just fed from him the first dozen times Max had offered.

In the future, if Zander ever dared to refuse Max again? There would be hell to pay.

Max toed off his shoes and took off the damp shirt and jacket, tossing them to the side of the spacious bathroom. As he stripped, he tried to plan out the logistics of how to do this. There was a built-in bench in the shower, so Zander could sit while Max washed him.

Ronan caught his intentions and asked, “Can you handle him?”

“Yes. Just help me get him back out again.”

“All right.”

Chase hovered inside the doorway, expression worried. “What can I do?”

Max pointed across the hall. “That’s my room. Grab pajamas and boxers for me, then get something dry for Zander.”

“Got it.” Chase was gone in a flash.

A shirtless Zander was quite the sight. He was powerfully built, and normally Max would enjoy the view, but right now he was so covered in gashes and blood it was painful to look at him. Zander eased into the shower with Max’s support, making little grunts of pain as he moved. Max was as gentle as possible as he settled Zander on the bench.

“Sorry about this.” Zander let his head rest against the tile, eyes closed. He was normally tan, but right now looked nearly white with pain. “I promise, next time we’re in a shower together, it’ll be a lot more fun.”

“Absolutely, that’s what I’m worried about right now,” Max drawled, picking up the shower head.

Zander opened one eye to look at him. “You’re really mad.”

“So astute of you to notice. Go on, keep dazzling me with your powers of observation.”

“Ouch, steaming mad. Owwwww.”

Max didn’t let up as he washed the grit out of Zander’s skin. He knew it hurt, but the wounds had to be cleaned. Road dirt trapped inside the skin would be the worst possible thing. He was thorough, doggedly persistent in getting all the blood and grit off, and was relieved when he was done. Getting an arm under Zander’s shoulder, he helped lift him back up and carried him to Ronan, who waited patiently outside the shower.

Ronan silently helped dry Zander off, pulling on dry boxers and nothing else. The rest of Zander was just too raw and tender for clothes.

“I got him,” Ronan assured Max. “Get dry first, then join us.”


The bedroom door opened, two male voices calling out a greeting, only one of which was familiar. Franklin and someone else.

Who else was here? Max pulled on boxers and threw a towel around his waist before opening the bathroom door, leaning out to see who had just come into the bedroom.