Apparently so.

Unable to stand there and only receive, Max lifted up on tiptoes and kissed Zander’s cheek before whispering into his ear, “Thank you.”

Zander gave his thousand-watt smile, the one that meant Max had just made him ridiculously happy. Max liked seeing it, liked making Zander happy after all the man had done for him. There was just one problem.

“I know I just made you happy, but whatever you have on your mental list to buy me—delete it. Now.”


“Don’t whine at me. You don’t need to reward me every time I please you.”

“I’m sure we can negotiate this.”


“Max, I just want to—”


“Can you say something other than no?”

Zander had yet to figure out how to effectively argue against a no, so, “No.”

He pouted. It was an epic pout. Max strangely wanted to kiss it. He had no idea where the impulse came from, but he wasn’t doing it here, in the middle of a crowd.

“Interrupting the love birds for a second.” A man unknown to Max came strolling up with a racer at his elbow, whom he gestured toward. “Zander, this is Quinn. He’d like to race.”

“Excellent, I was looking for someone to compete with.” Zander’s frown flipped upside down in a split second. “Quinn, first time here?”

“Yup.” Quinn gave Zander an evaluating look. “I understand you’re the best racer here. I’d like to hold that title.”

Zander’s smile looked genteel on the surface, but it was all hungry shark underneath. “Well, only one way to earn it. Let’s go pick our bikes. Max, can you stay with Franklin?”

“Sure. Be careful, Zan.”

Max got a wink in return before those two headed off, already picking at each other, like two bandy roosters in the same hen yard.

Franklin gestured toward the mechanics’ trailer near the start line. “Chase is normally with the mechanics since Ronan is over there. Let’s join them.”


Franklin fell into step with Max, asking as they walked, “Is he really that bad? That you have to rein him in on buying you something.”

“The man doesn’t have restraint in his dictionary.” Max rolled his eyes, exasperated just remembering recent purchases. “If he even suspects I might want or need something, he buys it. If I make him happy in any way, shape, or form—he buys a gift. I cannot get him to stop. I can’t even get him to slow down. I will bet you my left hand that our whole back-and-forth a moment ago will be useless. He’ll find a way to get me something.”

“Interesting. Fernando is the same with his lover, Noel. For that matter, Zander’s biological father is much like that with his mother.”

The implications hit. “You’re telling me both fathers in his life spoil their partners? Shit. I’m doomed.”

Franklin threw his head back on a laugh. “I’m glad you’re not one to take advantage. I always worried about that, to tell the truth.”

“I can see how you would be. The wrong partner for Zan could bankrupt him easily.”

“Yes, but he’s fortunately made the right choice.”

Well, that was flattering. Max wasn’t sure how true that was, but flattering nonetheless.

Chase saw their approach and gave a wave. “There you are. Come in, come in. They’re going to start in a second.”