Ronan looked pained. “Must I?”

Smiling, Chase hugged him. “I love you.”

“And you keep sayingIcheat,” Ronan grumbled as he pulled free, stomping back over to them.

Max was strangely relieved, although he wasn’t sure why. He didn’t want blood on Zander’s hands, either. The vampires deserved to be dealt with, but not like this.

A black van pulled up and a middle-aged man hopped out of the driver’s side, striding toward them. He wore all black, from his suit to his shirt, and he moved with a powerful stride. Max took one look at him and thoughtmafia.He just had those vibes. The man took the situation in with one sweep of his eyes and then focused on Zander.

“They’re still alive?”

“Chase insisted. He didn’t want blood on Ronan’s hands.”

“Probably for the best. I told Mr. Fernando about this on the way over here—he’s already sharpening his sword. If you had denied him an execution, he’d have been upset.”

Was this Franklin? Max could only assume.

He stopped in front of Max, eyes evaluating him for a second before he smiled. The smile made him look marginally friendlier. Like painting a smiley face on a dagger. “Are you Max?”

Max nodded stiffly and managed a forced smile. “Yes, hello.”

“I’m Franklin. I’m sorry you were scared tonight. I promise you, these two will not see the light of day. Our sire is hopping mad that anyone dared touch you two.” Franklin aimed a dark look at the back of the vampires’ heads. “I can take it from here if you want to take him home, Zan.”

“Thanks, Franklin, I will.”

Max, for one, was more than ready to get out of there. On instinct, his hand found Zander’s and he latched on, feeling better for it. Zander gave him a smile in turn, holding on just as firmly.

“Come on. Let’s go home.”

Chapter 6

Zander paced his bedroom as he spoke to his sire, voice low to avoid waking Max, who was hopefully sleeping. Hopefully.

“—already executed both of them,” Fernando said in an angry rumble. “I just called up their sire, too, to let him know what I’d done and why. He wasn’t surprised. Sad, because he said they weren’t like that before he turned them. The taste of power changed them.”

It happened. The power and ability of a vampire had gone to their heads and made them abuse their strength over humans. Sad, but when that happened, there was nothing to do but put them down like rabid dogs.

“I don’t have much sympathy. Not considering what they wanted to do to my Max.”

“I understand. I’d be just as murderous if someone touched Noel. How is Max?”

“Shaken. Trying not to show it. I’ll keep him close to me tomorrow. I think that would be best.”

“I agree.”

“Also, he said something that hinted he’s survived such an attack before.”

The line went very quiet for a moment. “Are you sure?”

“I don’t know for sure. He doesn’t trust me enough right now to tell me.” Zander passed a hand through his hair, frustrated and feeling the long day in his bones. “He apparently tried to barter Chase’s safety. Said he’d feed both of the vampires. When Chase asked him about it after, he said something to the effect of him being able to withstand it, not wanting Chase with that tainted memory.”

“Shit. That poor child. And he still put himself on an auction block?”

“You now understand why I’m so enamored with him. His loyalty and love for his father is incredible—I knew that from the start—but he’s just as loyal and protective of everyone else in his life. He would have sacrificed himself for Chase and considered the tradeoff worth it. If I could win this man’s heart…” Zander trailed off, caught by the inner vision of what that would be like. To have Max’s unwavering love and trust. Damn, he’d give a lot.

“My child, I hope you can. Is he opening up to you at all?”

“A little. He’ll come in close now, sure that I won’t physically hurt him. He’s still questioning my intentions, but I might have come on a bit too strong at first.”