Both vampires obeyed like puppets, no will of their own in their movements. They came to stand directly in front of Zander, still whining in fear.

“Kneel. Stay.”

They knelt so quickly it sounded like kneecaps broke. Max winced in sympathetic reaction.

Zander walked right past them as if they were insects beneath his notice, coming straight to Max. Max watched his approach and felt his racing heart calm down a notch.

“My Max.” Zander touched his shoulder gently, eyes roving over his body in concern. “Did they hurt you?”

Max managed to shake his head. No. No, Zander had arrived at exactly the right moment to rescue them.

With utmost gentleness, Zander lifted his arm and took a better look at it. His frown promised mayhem. “He bruised you.”

“I-I’m okay,” Max forced out. Zander was seriously unnerving him.

Zander lifted his head to kiss Max’s forehead, his lips light and soft. Max felt his eyes close at the gesture, the tenderness enough to wash away the last of his fear. How could he not feel anything but safe when Zander touched him so gently?

“A moment, my Max. I’ll deal with them and take you home. Your friend, as well. I’m sorry if I’m scaring you. I’m rather livid right now.”

Chase gave him a tight smile. “No, I get it, I’m okay.”

“Good. You—” Zander paused, nose flaring. “Ronan. You carry Ronan’s scent. Why is that?”

“Oh. He’s my boyfriend.”

Recognition flared in Zander’s eyes. “You’re Chase.”

“Uh, yes?” Chase clearly didn’t get why this man would know him. Max was confused as well.

“Ronan is my brother, we share a sire,” Zander explained, looking somewhere between upset and curiously taking Chase in. “I’ve heard of you, but we haven’t had a chance to meet. I’m Zander.”

“Oh!” Chase lit up with a smile. “I know you. Ronan’s told me lots of stories. Hi, Zander. Damn, your timing is amazing.”

“I’m glad for it. Well, now, these two apparently need to be in a shallow grave somewhere.” Zander turned his head to glare at the still kneeling vampires. “I would attend to this on my own, but Ronan will be upset if I do. A moment, please. Both of you, sit on the bench and rest.”

Sitting down sounded great to Max. His legs still felt shaky. Zander guided him to the bench, then walked back to the vampires ten or so feet away. Not such a distance that Max couldn’t hear the conversation as Zander called someone.

“Ronan. I’m on campus, you need to come now. Two vampires just tried to take off with our boys. No, I wish I was kidding. I’ve got them subdued, but I assume you want to weigh in on this before taking Chase home. Good, I’ll wait. I’ll call Franklin as well.”

Chase scooted in closer, hugging Max to him. “You could have told me your boyfriend was a vampire.”

And spill the beans on everything going on? Yeah, no, Chase would be very upset with his recent choice to sell himself. Max would skip that lecture, thanks.

Chase’s voice fell a little as he asked, “Would you really have let them both feed from you just to get me out of here?”

Zander’s head snapped around, dark eyes snaring Max’s. Shit. Chase hadn’t said that softly enough. Zander had clearly heard him.

He’d deal with that in a moment. He turned his attention to Chase and answered, “Better me than you.”

“Maaaaaax.” Chase’s head flopped back. “No. Not how that works, man.”

“I can withstand it,” Max maintained. “But the only person who’s ever touched you is Ronan. I don’t want bad memories tainting anything for you.”

“You don’t deserve them either!” Chase argued hotly. “And for the record, even if your plan had worked, I wouldn’t have left you alone. No. No telling what they’d have done.”

Max unfortunately knew. They would have drained him until glutted and then left him for dead. It was what had happened last time.

“Besides, your assumption is not entirely accurate. I’ve been attacked by a vampire before.”