“I smell good to you, don’t I.” Max said it like he knew the answer. “You keep sniffing me.”

“You’re like the tastiest cinnamon roll to ever come out of an oven. You just smell delicious. Can’t help myself, sorry.”


“Such a tone of disbelief in your voice.”

“Yeah, funny how that’s there when I don’t believe you.” Max pressed a hand against Zander’s face, then his neck. “You’re feeling a lot warmer. I’ll just—”

The second he tried to leave, Zander hauled him back with a noise of protest. “No, don’t leave me!”

Max sighed the sigh of one who knew he was doomed. He hadn’t tensed up, though, which made Zander happy. “Now that I’m here, you’re going to latch on and not let go, aren’t you.”

“Don’t you want to watch a movie with me?”

“I’ll take that as a yes. I’m saying this right now. If you try to put a horror movie on to scare me, there will be consequences.”

Damn, foiled again. Zander had hoped for a willing jump into his lap. Fine, he’d behave. “How about a bad monster movie?”

To his surprise, Max looked intrigued. His eyes cut to Zander, brow quirked. “How bad are we talking?”

“Dunno, I haven’t seen it yet. I only have it rented. Critics gave it a twenty percent, though, so it’s probably terrible.”

Max didn’t even pause to think about it. “Fine. Put that on.”

How adorable. They had bad monster movies in common, of all things. Zander grinned even as he gave the command, “Alexa, turn TV on.”

Zander had a lot of bad monster movies in his library. If he kept Max distracted enough, maybe he could keep the man here until midnight. It was worth a shot.

Chapter 5

A week rolled by. Max was so busy going between school and hospital, he would not be surprised if he had passed himself at some point. With the weekend upon him, he wanted to just finally catch up on schoolwork so he could spend some time with his dad.

Not to mention finally, finally getting Zander to feed from him.

Zander seemed to exist to confuse Max. Seriously, what was his deal? All he did was try to pamper Max like a sugar daddy. Every time he got another gift from Zander, Max felt like he owed the man even more. The only thing he could give was blood, but Zander kept refusing. He had to wonder—why did this feel like trying to get a toddler to eat their vegetables? If he held Zander’s nose shut, and caught him when his mouth opened, could he get him to feed that way? Okay, the logistics didn’t work even in his head, but the temptation was still there.

Over the past week, Zander had insisted on doing any number of things to ‘take care of his Max,’ as he put it. Lunchboxes for school appeared, no matter what Max said about them. Breakfast still happened every morning—although thankfully not in bed. Movie nights occurred on the few nights Max took a break and let himself rest. The cash in his wallet magically stayed near the same amount, too.

Gee, wonder how that happened. Seriously, how did he get this man to stop?

Max had told Zander that he’d need to stay late at campus to work on all the assignments and get notes from friends, and what Zander heard was not ‘I’ll be very busy until late at night’ but ‘My human must be properly fed during this time.’

That’s the only possible explanation for this lunchbox.

If you could even call it a lunchbox.

The damn thing hadeight tiers. It was a lacquered box, too, something straight out of a period drama. Zander had dropped it off at the main office for Max to pick up, meaning he didn’t see the man, which also meant he couldn’t refuse it.

Just wait until he saw Zander again. There would be words. None of them would be clean.

Max put it on the table, glaring at it. This would just cause trouble. He could see it now.

Chase and Nikita walked toward him, and even from across the quad, he could see his friends’ eyes focus entirely on the box.

“Where did that come from?” Chase exclaimed, pointing at the box.

See? Causing trouble already. “From a certain person that will meet with my wrath later.”