Page 85 of A Suite Temptation

When Chloe’s brows furrowed in confusion, Jordan stepped in. “Bryce’s girlfriend, Vivian bought one of Camille’s dresses, and that’s how she caught Bryce’s attention.”

Camille picked up her glass of wine and saluted Bryce. “To my little blue rebel dress. Now I just need to create some other sexy designs to tempt the rest of the unattached Royal males. Bryce can’t be the first and only one of my American cousins to have a girlfriend.”

Jordan lowered his gaze to study the piece of masago sushi on his plate. The tiny pieces of fish roe suddenly held great interest.

“So both Jordan and Matthew have never had girlfriends?”

There was a sharp edge to Chloe’s voice as she posed the question to the table. Jordan could just imagine what she was thinking.What am I, chopped liver?

He popped the sushi into his mouth, and lifting his head, made a point of giving Bryce his fullest attention. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Chloe’s death glare. She was going to make him pay for this at some point.

“Not as far as the rest of us know. I think they both like to play the field, but on the quiet. If you get my meaning,” said Bryce.

Oh good. Keep digging that hole for me, bro.

Jordan slowly chewed his food, contemplating his response. He sensed things had reached a point in the conversation where he had a choice. He could simply laugh off Bryce’s remark or take a stand. Send a message to Chloe.

“My private life has been just that for some time. After rehab, it made sense to keep a low profile.” He looked straight at Chloe. “But I don’t think that works any longer. I’ve learned that keeping things hidden can cause pain. The next time I find myself in a relationship, and it’s with someone who wants us to go public, I will do as she asks. I will also introduce her to my family.”

Chloe let out a gasp. She rose from the table, pushing back her chair. “Excuse me, I have to check for an email I was waiting on. I’ll be back in a moment.”

She hurried from the room, leaving an odd silence in her wake.

He was torn. Jordan desperately wanted to follow Chloe, but the fear of what Bryce would think held him back. If the CEO of Royal Resorts thought the company’s investment in Chloe’s residency might be put at risk by Jordan fooling around with the talent, he’d be forced to act.

And I might be on a plane out of Vegas, tonight.

“Bryce, do you think Vivian would like to come to my collection preview next month?” asked Camille.

Jordan could have kissed his cousin for so deftly stepping in and filling the void. “Where are you holding the viewing?”

He locked eyes with Bryce for a second, and slowly blinked. Of the two of them, Jordan was the better card player. Bryce had too many tells to be able to successfully keep a secret. Which meant, his worry over a possible connection between Chloe and his brother was written all over his face.

I’m going to have to tell him the truth.

If he didn’t, if he continued lying, it would be game over. Bryce had to be able to trust him. To know that Jordan wasn’t going to make a mess of things here in Las Vegas.

And Chloe has to know that she can trust me enough to give me another chance.

Chloe returned to the living room. She lingered at a distance from the table, wringing her hands. It was clear she didn’t want to sit back down and resume the meal. His words had rattled her.

“Um, Camille, would it be alright if you and I went over some of the fabrics for my Vegas collection? I just want to be sure that we are on the same track. We can come back and eat some more of the sushi afterward.”

“Of course, that’s what I am here for. Excuse us, gentlemen,” replied Camille. As she rose from the table, she picked up a couple of glasses and a full bottle of wine. “We won’t be long, talk amongst yourselves. And don’t eat all the good sushi.”

As the women headed for the elevator, Jordan knew the time had come. He took a long drink of his water, then after setting the bottle on the table, he met Bryce’s gaze. “About Chloe,” he began.

Bryce nodded. “Yeah, about Chloe.” He pushed his plate away and sat with his hands clasped gently together giving Jordan his undivided attention. It was his brother’s listening pose, designed to give the other person in the conversation the opportunity to speak their piece without fear of interruption.

This is why he is CEO material, and I am not.

Jordan drew in a ragged breath. “I met Chloe in Berlin early last year. We became lovers. It was just before I took over the Laguna Beach project. At the time I didn’t want Dad or the board thinking that I wasn’t giving the resort my fullest attention. I made the decision not to tell anyone about us.”

Bryce nodded. “I can see why you would do that. I would probably have done the same in your position. In fact I sort of did with Vivian. I kept her and my connection a secret, and it’s something I came to regret.”

Bryce and Vivian had been through their own dramas, but his brother’snever say dieattitude had seen him finally win the girl. Vivian was now Bryce’s live-in girlfriend. And if the way Bryce talked about Vivian was any indication, an announcement of a bigger kind would be made before the year was out.

“I take it the two of you are no longer together? That’s a pity, because from what I’ve seen tonight, I think you would make a good couple.”