Page 80 of A Suite Temptation

Chloe glanced at Jordan. It wasn’t officially his job to help her buy clothes, but her heart told her she would be a fool to waste such an opportunity.

Take a chance. Reset things with him.

“Thank you. I’m happy to be left alone with my stylist.”

As soon as the VIP team left, Jordan rose from his chair. He set the coffee cup on a table and ambled over. “Your stylist, hey? That’s a heavy responsibility you have tasked me with, Ms. Fisher. I’m not sure if I’m at Stixxluv level.”

Heat burned on her cheeks. If he only knew what it did to her when he teased her. Or the things she would let him do to her if he whispered the sort of deliciously filthy words he used to say whenever they made love.

Get your mind out of your panties. We are here for warm clothes, not sex.

“Few people are at Stixxluv level, but then again since he would never lower himself to actually coming to a department store to shop, you will have to take up the load.”

Jordan reached over and plucked a puffer jacket off one of the racks. He handed it to Chloe. “I like this. The dark gray with the red trim is a great look, and it will keep you warm. How about I select a few things for you to try on. Things that my critical eye finds suitable.”

Chloe nodded with a grin. A procession of sweaters, jeans, and various jackets soon followed. By the end of it, Chloe had sorted all the clothes into three racks. There was the definitenorack. Themayberack. And theyesrack. Jordan had disappeared a minute or so ago leaving her alone.

She was feeling more calm than she had in quite some time. After all the drama of the past couple of months, Jordan’s light hearted banter was a welcome balm. If only she could confide her troubles in him. Tell him the truth of all that had happened since their breakup.

Don’t. I can’t risk anyone knowing. There are only a few more days until the concerts are announced. I hope Marta doesn’t go to the press before then.

There was a knock on the changing room door. “Come in.”

Jordan reappeared carrying what Chloe hoped would be the last of the clothes. It was getting late, and she was getting hungry.

“The VIP team added these final pieces. I like the silver tank top, it reminds me of one of the outfits you wore at the Paris concert.”

She took the tank top, swallowing down a lump of emotion at the thought of Jordan remembering such a minor detail. Men in her experience didn’t tend to take notice of such things, but Jordan did.

“Speaking of concerts. I was going to ask if Stixxluv is coming to the launch announcement. Will he be arriving with Nancy on theChloe Jet?”

All the joy she’d been happily embracing for the past hour deflated in Chloe’s heart.

Rip the Band-Aid off, just tell him.

But she’d never been one for coping with a lot of pain all at once. Her childhood trauma had left her with poor skills to handle such hurt, and she could admit to still not having come fully to terms with Foster and Marta’s deep betrayal.

Little bits. She would choose death by a thousand cuts.

“Stixxluv and I have parted ways on a professional level. He and I are still good friends, but we decided a few months ago that it was time for me to seek a new creative direction.”

Jordan closed the door. “That sounds very much like something a PR team would write. If he was a casualty of the great cleanout, just say so.”

“No, he and I parted before that, we just came to an amicable end. You can call him if you like, he will back me up.” She held out her phone to Jordan, all the while praying he wouldn’t take it.

“That’s ok, you don’t need to prove anything to me. But if he has gone, then who is your new stylist? I mean what are you planning on wearing to the announcement press conference? And when exactly is that going to be?”

I hadn’t thought about clothes. What am I going to wear to the press conference?

She’d been so busy worrying about Jordan and how they were going to be around one another, that those details had entirely slipped her mind. Nancy would be coming out to Vegas to help, but only as her manager, not her assistant. It was Chloe’s job to handle her entourage, or at least rebuilt it.

A strong hand took hold of Chloe’s arm, steadying her. “Are you alright?” She blinked, then looked up and took in the expression of deep concern on Jordan’s face.

“I … I haven’t done anything about the press conference, and no I hadn’t settled on a date,” she stammered.

She couldn’t exactly tell him that many of the people she normally worked with in LA for her clothes and accessories were still owed money.

“Chloe. Look, I get that something is wrong, and you clearly don’t want to share it, but can you at least tell me if you have anyone working for you at the moment? Give me somewhere to start.”