Page 67 of A Suite Temptation

He could only pray that was her plan. If she did leave the Vegas resort after her Sunday night show each week, then he would at least get a few days’ respite. He could use the time to get out of Vegas and go into the desert. To walk, think, and hopefully find a way to maintain his mental health.

With his career at Royal Resorts all but over, he had to find a new path in life. His spare time in Las Vegas would be spent in making plans for his future.

Jordan placed the copies of the contract on the table, and Chloe’s lawyer, Sandra, retrieved them. She flicked through each document checking they were all in order, before leaving them open at the signature page which had been marked for Chloe to sign.

“I haven’t yet decided what I am going to do in the days between my performances, but I do expect that you will have a suite available for my personal use over the entire duration of my residency. I may have weeks when I decide to stay in Las Vegas.”

Fabulous. I’m really looking forward to those weeks. Not.

Chloe picked up a pen and signed the contracts. She handed them to her lawyer, who added her signature. Jordan waited for his turn, then added his. He put two copies of the executed contracts carefully back into his document case and handed the last one back to Sandra.

Chloe flipped her pen onto the table. “As I don’t plan to be hauling costumes and clothes back and forth between here and Vegas. I’ll need the exclusive use of the suite for the entire duration of my contract. Only the approved members of my entourage will have access.”

It was not a request—it was a flat out demand. Someone had been teaching Chloe how to stand up for herself.Bravo.He sorely wanted to give her a round of applause.

“I have already booked out the very best of our sky villa suites for you, Chloe. It will be ready and waiting for you when you arrive.”

Jordan continued forcing himself to use Chloe’s name, determined that he wasn’t going to start addressing her as Ms. Fisher. Not while there was a tiny little bit of his pride still breathing.

Chloe turned to her manager. “What do you think, Nancy? I will need to arrive in Vegas early, but I would prefer to travel incognito. We want the buzz to explode when I get up on stage next to the new Royal Resorts CEO, Bryce Royal and he announces my shows.”

Ouch.Jordan didn’t even rate a mention, but his brother did. She really knew how to stick it to him.

“I could arrange to send one of our company jets. It would be our pleasure to fly you from LA to Vegas,” offered Jordan. The Royal Resorts executive team had made it plain that the Chloe shows were going to bring in big money for the refurbished Las Vegas Platinum Collection hotel, so sending a jet from New York shouldn’t present too much of a problem. “I can meet you at the airport and accompany you into Las Vegas. That’s of course if you don’t mind sharing the ride with me.”

He made a point of looking Chloe dead in the eye as he spoke the last few words. He dared her to challenge him. She might be thinking to exact her revenge on him, but it wasn’t going to be all one way.

I dare you. I double dare you to tell your manager about us.

“Hmm,” said Chloe adopting a thoughtful air. She twirled a stray lock of her gorgeous black hair around her finger. “I’ve never been able to make the drive from LA to Vegas, so now might be the perfect time. Who knows if I will ever get this opportunity again.”

She met his gaze and sweetly smiled. “Do you have a car that we can use? I’m thinking the two of us in a cozy get-to-know-you-better, private little road trip could be fun.”

Oh damn.He was going to have to drive her all the way to Las Vegas. Five hours minimum, and if the LA traffic sucked it could be much longer. Add a few stops along the way for bathrooms et cetera. and Jordan was staring down the barrel of a good seven or eight hours alone with Chloe. And if this new Chloe was anything to go by, she was going to make him suffer for every single minute of it.

Score check. Chloe 1, Jordan 0.


She hadn’t planned to drop the road trip on Jordan. In fact the notion of driving from LA to Las Vegas hadn’t even crossed her mind. But watching him squirm as she laid out her plans for them to share a road trip was pure gold. This was a moment of priceless revenge for every woman who had been done wrong by a man. Her next album would feature a track dedicated to the look of abject horror which now sat on her ex’s face.

The world enjoyed“Bitter Babe”, wait until I slip out the next song.

Chloe moved in for the kill. “I want to leave on Friday. That will give me some time to get settled into my hotel suite while I decide on the exact date when I’m going to ask Royal Resorts to make the big announcement. I trust that is convenient with you, Jordan?”

She’d been a world-famous pop star for eight years, but it was only now that Chloe was finally beginning to understand the truth of what it meant to be a superstar. Without her old management team to tell her what to do, her requests had become demands. They were politely made, but with the full expectation of them being met as soon as possible.

I’m looking forward to having you as my personal bitch, Jordan.

“Nancy, if you fly over on the night before the press conference, we could go somewhere nice and have dinner. I’m sure Jordan knows an excellent Thai restaurant which he can arrange to book out entirely just for us. At Royal Resorts expense.”

She held back her smile this time, afraid that she might actually burst into a solid, knee-slapping laugh. Watching the self-important, self-designated lady killer squirm in his seat was worth all the music awards Chloe had ever won. She should get up and give a thank you speech to herself for having come up with such a cunning plan on the fly.

Jordan cleared his throat. “Nothing is too much to organize for our Las Vegas star. I will make sure everything is perfect for your arrival.” He gathered up his things and rose from his chair. After shaking hands with the various other people at the table and finally Nancy, he turned to Chloe. “Would you be happy if I arrive here at say eleven o’clock on Friday morning? If we leave around that time, it will help us to avoid some of the peak hour traffic.”

Chloe rose and offered Jordan her hand, confident that she had won any and all battles of the day. But the moment their fingers touched, a jolt raced up her arm. She went to pull away, but he firmed his grasp. “I look forward to working with you, Chloe. And I’m excited about our impending Las Vegas road trip. As you say, it could be fun. I shall see you on Friday.”

As the lawyers and accountants followed Jordan out the front door, Nancy stayed behind. She placed a gentle hand on Chloe’s shoulder. “I would watch out for that one, I have a feeling he has a smooth tongue. He could talk you into all sorts of trouble if you’re not too careful.”