Page 62 of A Suite Temptation

There was a hopefulness in Nancy’s voice. Chloe clung to that like it was a life raft. She would do whatever it took to get her finances back on an even keel. To have control of her future.

“Whatever it takes, just tell me. If I have to do a pay for view TV special, or a Netflix series just in order to keep my home, I’m up for it.”

She didn’t want to give up her house. To leave her forever home. It was the only one she had ever known. Her sanity, her soul, were tied to this place.

“The whispers are already starting in Tinseltown. Some of your former employees haven’t stuck to their employment NDAs. Marta for one seems determined to cause trouble. News of your money problems is not going to stay secret for too long. We need to get ahead of it. Which is where this new Las Vegas deal comes in.”

Chloe’s brows furrowed as Nancy produced a manila folder from out of her oversized leather tote and set it on the table. As soon as she opened it, Nancy commenced the hard sell.

“Now, you can either do the Las Vegas deal, or look to take your new album on a world tour. I’ve spoken to some people, and the earliest you could be out on the road would be mid-year. That’s of course if you can get a full live show up and running by then, and we can secure a tour agent who can get us into the big arenas. And we are able to sell tickets in time.” Nancy waved her hand in a rolling motion.

And. And. And. Not a hope in hell.

Chloe’s faint hopes of a world tour saving her finances crashed around her. Booking major venues was something that artists did a long way ahead, often a year in advance. The sorts of stadiums which she normally filled would already be committed and unavailable.

“Ok, tell me about the Vegas deal.”

Nancy chugged down her coffee, then got to her feet. She paced back and forth across the kitchen. “Las Vegas was once the place where careers went to die, but not anymore.” She stopped and pointed a finger at Chloe. “Did you know that the singer Adele is rumored to have made two million dollars a show?” She lowered her hand and pointed at the proposal document.

“To be honest, I’m surprised your old management hadn’t already gone down that road with you. Well … before ‘Bitter Babe’, anyway.”

They had. Chloe had said no. She didn’t want to perform at a casino in Nevada. To her way of thinking she was much bigger than that, and she didn’t need the money.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

“Foster put the idea of a Vegas residency to me a couple of years ago, but I said no.”

Her stubborn ego was finally paying dividends. If she’d said yes at the time, god knows how much money she would have lost on the deal. And it wouldn’t be an option for her to consider now.

“But you are no longer in a position to be able to say no to a solid opportunity. And this contract is more than that—it’s your way back. I can’t stress how much this deal will mean to your long-term career and finances. It will allow you to clear up your debts and keep most of the things you value.”

Most of my things?

Chloe swallowed deep. “What will still have to go?”

Nancy returned to the table, she dropped into her chair and sighed. “TheChloe Jethas to go. It’s gorgeous, and I think it’s fabulous branding, but you can’t afford to have a sixty million dollar jet continuing to lose value while it sits idle on the tarmac. And it sends a poor message to the creditors who are still waiting for payment.”

The custom painted and fitted outChloe Jethad been the ultimate passion project. Chloe’s big public statement to everyone who had ever doubted her. Who had ever abandoned her. It was the loudest way she could sayI don’t need you,to the people who had failed her. Letting it go would be hard.

She met her manager’s gaze. “When will the jet have to go? It would be nice to be able to take it for one final flight. To say goodbye.”

Nancy’s eyes softened with pity. “Unfortunately, the finance company repossessed the plane just before Christmas. Apparently, the repo notices had gone to your old management, and they hadn’t bothered to do anything with them.”

Foster. He really had done a number on her.

“That’s unfair. No one told me.” It hurt not to be able to give her plane a proper send off. She gave a resigned sigh. There was no point fighting to keep the jet. And as Nancy had stated, people who had trusted in Chloe’s good name were still owed money.

Come on, Chloe, you’re a big girl. Remember we don’t cry over these things.

It had been many years since she’d been forced to rely on those words. The strong inner mantra which had helped her to survive the constant revolving door of family services and disinterested parents now gave her comfort.

She picked up the Las Vegas proposal. “I’m ready to hear the rest of it.”

“Good, now the company we are dealing with is called Royal Resorts. They have just done a one hundred million dollar refurb of their Las Vegas casino and resort complex. I’m thrilled that you are willing to sign up for the residency. It was a hard battle to beat off the two other major recording artists, who were also vying for this gig. Everyone wants to do a Vegas residency. I think the success of ‘Bitter Babe’ sealed the deal for them.”

Irony of all ironies.

Chloe flicked through the pages, grateful that Nancy had taken the time to highlight the important things. A couple of months of rehearsals, followed by six months of shows in Vegas.Doable.They were open as to how many nights a week Chloe played.Good.The amount of money per show involved had her smiling. If she could successfully pull it off, her finances would be set.