“I want you to move in with me when we get back to New York. I know it seems like we are moving fast, but with work and commitments I don’t want us to end up passing each other like ships in the night. I did that once before long ago, and it was a mistake.”

“Is it because I go away for work? Is that why you want me to leave my job, because to be honest that’s not really fair. Won’t you also have to make business trips?”

Bryce reached for the iPad he had tucked into the side of the chair and touched the screen. He handed it to Vivian. “This is why I want you to resign.”

The glow from the screen lit up the expression of bewilderment which appeared on her face. Vivian pursed her lips, then asked, “Are you serious about this, Bryce? I mean it’s amazing, but won’t people think you are just trying to find a job for your new girlfriend? And your father, have you thought that he might not agree? And the salary, wow.”

This was why he had fallen for Vivian. She wasn’t just thinking of herself or the fantastic career opportunity he had placed in front of her. Her concerns ran to what others would think of it, of her and how she had come by such a sweet gig.

He had spent the past hour coming up with all the reasons why she should quit her job and come to work for Royal Resorts. And while there were many, most of them boiled down to the simple truth that he wanted her name to be on the list of employees. For her to have skin in the House of Royal game.

“If you and I are together, I can’t have you working for the travel magazine. If you stay with them, conflict of interest will mean you won’t be able to review any of our resorts or hotels here in the US. And anyone who reads your reviews of our competition will wonder if your words are truly objective. They wouldn’t be, because I would make sure your review told them that the offerings from other resorts were substandard to ours. Ouch.”

She had pinched his nipple. Hard. Later, when this serious conversation was done and dusted, he would make Vivian pay for her tweak. His cock twitched its approval of his post discussion plans.

Her gaze went back to the iPad. “It’s a great offer Bryce. I would be lying if I said it’s not something I have considered doing, amongst a few things.”

Bryce gently prized the tablet out of Vivian’s fingers and placed it on the side table which sat on the other side of the chair. Taking hold of her now unencumbered hand, he raised it to his lips, placing a soft kiss in the middle of her palm. When her breath caught, it sent blood rushing to his loins.

“Then do it. One of the things that came out of the Laguna Beach report was that we not only need more mystery reviewers at our properties, but that we need…I need…someone who can take recommendations and implement changes. And it’s not just for the existing resorts. I am trusting you with the secret that we have grand expansion plans for the US. If you agree to come on board as the new head of guest amenity development, and sign the usual non-disclosure agreement, we can sit and discuss those plans in more detail before we head home.”

“So I would be reporting to your father?”

Bryce shook his head. “No. You would be reporting to the new CEO for Royal Resorts USA. That would be me.”


Bryce was going to be appointed as CEO for the US operations. Vivian hadn’t seen that coming. She wasn’t sure what was more of a shock, the news of his new role or the job offer.

Be brave and take a chance.

Grace’s personal mantra sat itself firmly in the forefront of her thoughts. Moving in with Bryce and coming to work for him would be taking a huge risk. If it failed, she would be left not only without a job, but possibly homeless.

“Alright, I accept the job offer. The salary is insane, but I will do my best to live up to it.” She bit down on her bottom lip, suddenly unsure of her next words, and how Bryce might take them. “But there are two conditions. One, I want to wait a little before we move in together. Maybe just a few months.”

He growled his impatience at her request. She could understand how he might feel about having his grand plans questioned, or even slightly undermined. Bitter experience had taught her the wisdom of putting space between major life changes.

“Can we pencil in say three months? That gives you time to leave the magazine and get settled into your new role, and also to decide if you want to move in with me. How does that sound?”

“It sounds like I am hooking up with a man who knows how to push a bargain and win.” Vivian nodded. “Three months should be long enough.”

Bryce gave her a look which spoke volumes. He would be champing at the bit for every one of those three months. Vivian had a sneaking suspicion she wouldn’t make it to two months, but she wasn’t going to tell him.

“What’s the second condition, my love?”

You make me feel so amazing when you say ‘my love’.

“Lionel promised me a review of one of the classic hotels at Lake Como in Italy. I still want to do that next summer. If it’s a problem I can use a different name for the piece.”

She was about to give up her resort reviewer career, but this final review of the resort in Italy meant a great deal to Vivian.

I hope he understands.

Bryce sucked in a deep breath and sighed. “Como. Such a beautiful place, especially in summer. Insanely crowded with tourists, but still gorgeous. I will be waiting with bated breath to read the last great Vivian Holte review.”

She whispered in his ear. “Will you promise to teach me some Italian before then? I mean I want you to talk dirty to me in Italian while we fuck.”

“It would be my pleasure to service you in any language you wish. But to be serious for a moment. Your new job will involve being enrolled in the management training program. Learning a second language is part of that. I can see you becoming a valuable member of the New York team.”