She sat and listened as World War Three was declared at the other end of the line. To Bryce’s credit he sat and took the tirade of abuse, with great calm. “Yes. No. I am sorry. Agreed, totally my fault. And no, I wouldn’t ever want anyone to do that to me either.”

Thank god they had moved out of earshot of the other guests.

“Yes, I will, and thank you, Grace. You are a true friend of Vivian’s.”

He handed her back the phone. “Grace said to say feel free to call her back when you are done with me.”

If he hadn’t brought this on himself, she would have felt a sense of pity for Bryce. Grace was a strong, opinionated woman. She had also been Vivian’s rock over the past few months. If anyone deserved to give Bryce Royal a piece of her mind, it was Grace.

Her friend’s call had finally broken the spell. Clutching her cell and purse, Vivian downed the last of her drink and got to her feet. “Thank you for this evening, Bryce. And as for your apology, it means a lot. If you will excuse me, I think it’s time I went upstairs to my room. If you are still wishing to catch up tomorrow, I shall see you in the buffet line at eight.”

He rose from his chair. “Let me walk with you.” It was a request, but it was delivered with a definite tone ofI’m not taking nofor an answer. “We shouldn’t give the other guests at the bar any more reason to talk about us.” He offered her his arm, and she took it.

They crossed the lobby of the hotel and headed for the bank of elevators. Vivian slipped her arm from Bryce’s. “What floor are you on?” she asked, pressing the call button.

He had the good grace to look embarrassed as he pointed back in the direction from where they had just come. “I’m in one of the beach front presidential suites.”

Of course he was… someone like Bryce Royal didn’t lower himself to actually staying in a standard hotel room. While she woke to the sound of the TV from the room next door, Bryce would be hearing the gentle waves lapping at the shore.

“We could go back to my place and have another drink. Watch the sea.” The offer was there but it lacked any real heat or conviction. There was a further awkward moment. Silence lingered, broken only when the elevator doors opened, and the automated voice announced it was going up.

“Good night, Bryce. Thank you for tonight, I had a wonderful time.”

Vivian took one step into the car and reached for the button. A large male body followed her into the elevator, taking hold of her hand before she could press for her floor.

Bryce swept her up into his arms, and their lips crashed together. The kiss quickly turned tender. Their tongues danced in time and Vivian’s heart was aflutter. Through the haze of their embrace, the elevator buzzer made its demands.Choose a floor.

Bryce kept his foot against the door, holding it open. When he finally drew back from the kiss, they were both panting hard. Lust and desire coursed through her veins. Sense and reason had fled. All she wanted to do was to go with him to his room and get naked.

But as he had done a little earlier on the beach, Bryce moved away. He took a distinct backward step. And then another. “Good night, Vivian. May your dreams be sweet and creamy. I shall see you in the morning.”

The elevator doors closed, and she was left alone. Bryce hadn’t taken her up on her obvious offer of a night of passion. He had drawn the line at one kiss. She combed her fingers through her hair. “He really doesn’t want me.”

Heart heavy with disappointment she pressed the elevator button for the eleventh floor. Tomorrow morning she would give Bryce once last chance to make a move. If he decided to part as friends, she would graciously accept his decision.

And she would vow to never again fall for a billionaire.


He really had to get back into a solid gym routine. The past few weeks of traveling had seen Bryce miss out on his daily workout. And he was feeling it.

His sluggishness was further compounded by the fact he hadn’t been racking up the miles he normally did while running around after guests and senior hotel staff. Working in Europe and the UK, the pedometer in his phone regularly showed him clocking up over thirty thousand steps a day.

The pinch of the waistband in his pants was also a reflection of how quickly the American diet was catching up with his sedentary lifestyle. After leaving Vivian last night he had firmly resolved, no more platters or large plates of food. Meeting Vivian’s friend Grace in the flesh was also high on his list of things never to do.

Bryce pushed himself hard in the resort’s well-appointed gym, which meant that by the time he stepped off the treadmill, he was a sweaty mess. Wiping his face with his workout towel he pondered the relief that punishing his body had brought. Working out was one thing, but he would much rather have spent last night getting hot and sticky with Vivian.

You resisted the temptation of taking her to bed. Well done.

It had been a close thing. After that amazing kiss, his hardened cock had been ready to step up and take control of things. Vivian had given him all the right signals. She was more than willing to take another tour of orgasm city. He couldn’t decide who was the more disappointed when he stepped away and bid her a pleasant goodnight.

Vivian had looked ready to claw at him, while his dick throbbed all the way back to his hotel suite in sex staved protest. Back in his room, Bryce had taken himself firmly in hand and jerked off. Anything to be able to get the blood flowing back to his brain. Hopefully his tortured manhood would soon be enjoying the benefits that came from Bryce being in a long term relationship with the cute travel reviewer.

He wanted more than just a hotel fling. He wanted Vivian in his life, and in his bed. And in order for that to happen, he was going to have to take things slowly. The woman he planned to share his heart with had to know what he felt for her was more than just simple lust.

Once I’ve explained things properly to her over breakfast, she will understand where I am coming from. Hopefully after that, there won’t be anything stopping us from being together.

After a quick shower, Bryce slipped into a black short sleeved polo shirt, and tugged on a pair of chinos. He completed the look with a casual dark blue tailor made jacket. Anyone giving him a quick glance would likely think him no different from any other hotel guest, it was only those with a discerning eye who could spot the tell-tale signs of him having serious money. The understated Vacheron Constantin watch which sat on his left wrist was worth more than what most people spent on a new car. His shoes made from soft leather had been hand-crafted in England using a personalized template. They fitted his feet to perfection.